Chapter 5

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"Okay, Harry. See you've already told him you'll come and it's Teddy, you can't cancel out on him. And it's just Malfoy. You've killed Voldemort, broke into Gringotts and battled Death Eaters. You can survive a day with Malfoy. And if you haven't noticed, he isn't the bully you remember. He is very kind and good now. You should at least try to become his friend. You both are going to work on the same team. Come on Potter, you can do this", I said as I stood in front of the mirror, prepping myself.

I ate breakfast and told Kreacher that I'm going to visit Teddy and flooed to Teddy's house.

"Harry", Teddy shouted as I stepped out of the fireplace and I picked him up in my arms.

"Hey Teddy. How are you?", I asked, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"Good", he said.

"Hey An! How are you?", I asked, hugging her. During the time just after the war, I basically lived here or at the Weasleys. We talked about everything during those days. Both of us had lost family and she had become the loving mother figure I had never known except Molly.

"Yeah.I'm good, how is Teddy's kindergarten?", I asked.

"His teacher is thinking she's going mad", she said, laughing.

"His metamorphagus abilities aren't under control? ", I asked.

"No", she said.

"Poor her", I said.

"Cissy told Draco is coming to meet Teddy today. Cissy has changed a lot now a days. Has he changed?", she asked.

"Yeah. At times, I don't even know if I am talking to Malfoy. He's changed a lot", I said.

"Okay", she said.

"Harry can we play with our train set?", Teddy asked turning his black messy black and his eyes green like me.

"Yeah of course", I said and put him down and followed him to his room. God, I must've looked just like this when I was younger.

"Harry, help me with this", he said and both of us spent a quarter of a hour joining railways tracks and trains together until I heard a knock on the door.

"Potter?", Malfoy's voice called.

"Yeah come in", I said.

He opened the door and walked in.

He appeared more casual than I remember. He was wearing a plain white shirt with a black pant. His blonde hair was combed neatly and his grey eyes reflected the sunlight. His high cheekbones, structured jaw and dimples brought out his pale complexion perfectly.

"Hello Potter", he said, smiling. It was the first time I had seen him smiling that he looked so un-Malfoyish.

"Hello, Teddy. My name is Draco. Nice to meet you", he said, kneeling down to shake Teddy's hand.

"Wait, Malfoy never told Teddy he was a Malfoy. How can a person change so much? ", I thought.

"Who are you?", Teddy asked looking at him, perplexed.

"I'm your uncle", he said.

"Okay. Can you help me with my train set?", he asked.

"Sure", Malfoy said and sat beside me.

"Potter, why does that kid look like you?", he asked.

"Oh. Teddy's a metamorphagus", I said laughing.

Both of us looked up and saw that Teddy had now changed his appearance like Malfoy. The same blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Wow", Malfoy said, under his breath and I laughed.

"This is the first time I've seen a metamorphagus, okay? ", Malfoy said, glaring at me.

"Okay, okay. Chill", I said.

"Is he a werewolf like his father?", he asked.

"No", I said.

"Thank God", he said.

"You wouldn't want a werewolf in your sacred bloodline", I said, mocking him.

"Don't be an idiot, Potter. Can't you imagine how hard it would be for a three year old to become a werewolf once a month? I was just concerned about him", he said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Malfoy. I just thought", I started.

"That I was the bully I was back in school", he finished for me.

I opened my mouth to reply when he said," I'm sorry for everything I did for six years to you, Potter. I know I was a prat, obsessed with blood purity. I'm not who I was anymore. I know things can't change overnight, but I'm sorry okay? ", he said.

"Yeah I know you've changed, Malfoy", I said.

"You both fixing the tracks or not?", Teddy asked.

"Yeah yeah we are", I said, quickly and started attaching the tracks.

"It's over", Teddy said and the three of us sat looking at the train going in circles.

One look at Teddy's face and all of my irritation had been forgotten.

I looked at Malfoy who was looking at Teddy with an expression of pride and confusion.

"Thanks Harry for helping me", Teddy said, kissing me on my cheek.

"And Dwaco. You helped too. Thanks", he said, holding out his hand.

I could sense that Malfoy was dying to correct his name but shook Teddy's hand with a smile.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat", Teddy said.

"Ah food, finally. I thought thought I'd die of starvation", Malfoy said and I laughed as we went downstairs.

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