Chapter 10

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"Do I look okay? ", Malfoy asked, smoothing his hair self consciously.

I still had trouble calling him Draco.

"You look good", I said non committally.

"What is this pant called again? ", he asked.

"Jeans, Malfoy", I said.

"It must be the most comfortable piece of clothing ever invented. I must remember to buy some more jeans", he said.

I chuckled softly.

"Do I look like a muggle?", he asked.

Even though he was wearing jeans and a band T-shirt, there was something about him which shouted "WIZARD".

"You do look like a muggle", I said.

"How are we going to go to the film? A portkey? ", he said.

"Don't bother. We'll take a taxi", I said.

"What's a taxi? ", he asked, confused.

"It's like the Knight Bus for muggles . But a car", I said, not sure how to explain a taxi.

"What's a car? ", he asked.

"You do remember the one Ron and I drove in our second year, right? ", I asked.

"Oh! The one you crashed into the Whomping Willow. I don't understand until today why you both decided to drive a flying car. You could've waited five minutes and flooed to the school", he said, crossing his arms.

"We were twelve", I said.

"Stupid dumb Potter. Thinks he can fly a car to Hogwarts", he said, smirking.

"You didn't know how horrible the Dursleys were. I would've done anything to get away from them? ", I said.

"The muggles you lived with? What did they do? Starve you? ", he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bingo", I said.

"They really starved you? ", Malfoy asked, shocked.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't know the muggles were so horrible", he said, his expression softening.

"It's okay. Everything's past history", I said.

"Can we go? I'm ready ", Teddy asked, walking downstairs. He looked adorable, wearing a plain black T-shirt and white jeans.

"Harry? Should I take my wand? ", Malfoy asked.

"I don't think that would be necessary", I said.

"You sure? ", he asked.

"Yeah. Leave your wand here", I said and after checking that all doors and windows were locked and casting a few protective spells, all three of us left the house.

All three of us walked a few distance and then I saw a cab and all three of us hailed it.

"Where to, sirs? ", the driver asked.

"The nearest cinema", I said and the driver nodded.

"Wow, so this is a taxi", Malfoy said, beside me.

He stared open mouthed at the speed of the car, the steering, the seats and the air conditioning.

I chuckled under my breath. Malfoy who was a former Death Eater, marvelling at the wonders of the muggle world. Malfoy was now busy playing with the seat belts and buttons while Teddy and I talked about his kindergarten.

"We are here, sir", the driver said after a while and all three of us got down.

I paid him and all of us stepped into the theatre.

"Potter, shouldn't you hide your scar? Muggles will find it weird", he said and I adjusted my hair.

"Yes sir", a pretty girl asked at the ticket counter, smiling at Draco and me. The way you smile when you find a perfect couple.

"Three tickets. Two adults and a child.  Finding Nemo", I said.

"Okay", she said and gave us the tickets.

"Thank you", I said and Teddy, Malfoy and I stepped into the theater.

"You both remain seated. I'll buy some popcorn", I said and came back after buying some popcorn. The film had already started and Malfoy and Teddy were staring at the screen, open mouthed. I vividly remember the time Hermione and I bought Ron to the theatre. His reaction wasn't very different from Malfoy's. I laughed silently which earned me a few scowls from the muggles and I continued seeing the film but it wasn't as interesting as seeing Malfoy's face who remained surprised for the whole of the film.

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