Chapter 16

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"What? Ron are you serious? ", I asked, as Ginny and I followed him into the Burrow.

"Yeah. We've to disapparate to Shacklebolt's office immediately", he said.

"Teddy, you stay here with Molly, okay? Uncle Harry and I are going outside ", Draco said and kissed Teddy's forehead.

"Where are you both going? Don't go", Teddy said and I crouched beside him.

"We'll be back soon. Don't worry, Teddy. Tomorrow, Draco will make your favorite pasta, okay? ", I said and kissed him on the top of my head.

"Okay", he said, sadly.

Draco hugged Teddy and proceeded to write something in a paper while Bill was talking with Fleur and kissed Victoire on the top of her tiny head. George and Angelina had forgotten about everyone and were in a passionate embrace. Percy and Audrey were holding hands and talking softly. Ron was kissing Hermione like it was the last time he could and Ginny was writing away in a piece of paper. Each of the Weasleys and Hermione and I hugged Arthur and Molly and within minutes, all of us had disapparated to Shacklebolt's office. Why on earth was I thinking of kissing Draco?

All of us burst into his office and saw that Neville, Hannah, Justin, Luna, Dean,Seamus, Ernie, Luna, Cho, the Patil twins were already there. It was eerily similar to the crowd that had gathered when Dudley was kidnapped by Rookwood.

"What happened?", I asked.

"Harry, five people have escaped from Azkaban. Not just people, former Death Eaters", Shacklebolt said.

"But how? Aurors have been guarding  Azkaban", Ginny said.

"It may be an inside job. We are not sure", he said.

"They may be anywhere, how are we going to find them?, Draco asked.

" Aberforth just informed us that he saw some suspicious activity near Hogsmeade. My guess is that they may try to attack Hogwarts", he said. 

"When do you think they are planning to attack Hogwarts?", Dean asked.

"At midnight, I guess", Shacklebolt said. I checked my watch, we had only about some three hours.

"What are their names?", Hermione asked. Hermione always asked the right questions.

"Miguel Jugson. The Lestrange brothers. Iker Wilkes and Jeffrey Nott", he said.

Soon, Terry Boot, Penelope Clearwater, Dennis Creevey, Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan, Oliver Wood and a few other Aurors joined us.

  "Have you informed professor McGonagall?", George asked.

   "I tried but it isn't working. They have cut off all modes of communication", he said. 

"There are thirty of us and four of them. We can do this", Bill said.

"Does someone have a plan?", I asked.

"I do", Ron said.

"Go on", I said.

"We'll split into six teams. One team of will go to Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes and get some Peruvian instant darkness powder and any invisibility cloak you can find. One team will remain here and keep trying to contact Hogwarts. Another team will apparate into Hogsmeade using disillusionment charms  and try to evacuate the area. The other three teams will try to get inside Hogwarts and give the five Death Eaters hell. Is it fine with everyone?", he asked and everyone nodded. Ron, being an ace chess player was best with plans. His plans had never failed and I hoped this time too, it wouldn't. I didn't want to die at twenty. 

"But, Ron. You can't apparate into Hogwarts and Hogsmeade is too risky", Hermione said.

"You all remember the cupboard I was mending in the Room of Requirement? The fire didn't destroy it. When Hogwarts was being repaired, the cupboard was still intact in the Room of Requirement. Blaise told me", Draco said, all of a sudden. I could've kissed him at that time.

"Where is the other cupboard?", Neville asked.

"Borgins and Burkes", Draco said.

Hermione, Ron, Neville, George, Shacklebolt, Bill, Percy, Ernie, Justin, Oliver, Dennis, Dean, Seamus, Draco and I apparated to Knockturn alley while the others followed Ron's plan.

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