Chapter 6

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"You should come too", Hermione said .

"I don't think I can see them again", I said, frowning.

"Harry, it's fine. No one is angry with you", Ron said.

"Molly isn't? ", I asked.

"No", Hermione said.

"Oh", I said.

"It's been a month, Harry. Everyone's forgiven you. Percy is going to announce his engagement. You can't skip it", Ron said angrily.

"I know. You sure no one is blaming me? I don't want to make a scene. Is Ginny fine?", I asked.

"Yeah, she's fine. You coming or not? ", he asked.

"Should I?", I asked.

"Don't be an idiot, Harry. Go and get ready, Harry.  We should go", hermione said.

"Alright, I'll come", I said and the three of us flooed to the Burrow. My second favorite place in the world, after Hogwarts.

"Let's go in", Ron said and all three of us stepped into the fireplace one by one.

It had been a month since Ginny and I broke up. In case, you're wondering why we broke up, it was because of her tight Quidditch schedule. During my first year of Auror's training, she had her N.E.W.T's and I had a very busy schedule and the next year, I was kind of free but she had practice almost every day.

And you can't blame her, being a keeper in Chudley Canons isn't an easy task. Both of us tried our best to make our relationship work but we couldn't. I can't ask her to quit Quidditch, it wouldn't be fair to her. Every relationship has ups and downs but it was like there was only downs in our relationship.

We had been thinking of breaking up for like six months until I broke up a month ago. I had planned a big bash for our third year anniversary but she couldn't attend it as she had a big Quidditch match the next week and that was the final straw.

I hope she hadn't felt sad. I mean of course she would but I didn't want her to be sad. She was amazing. Funny, intelligent, brave and loving. But, I wanted some one who would spend time with me.

I still love her. I would miss the way we laughed at an inside joke, she'd put me in line when I was too haughty, the way she panicked before a match,  the way we talked for hours on the rooftop of her house, the way she kissed me when I surprised her. I missed all of it. The Weasleys were the family I never had and it was very awkward meeting them again.

Life isn't a fairy tale, after all.

The last month was horrible for me. I don't even know how I was still holding on. Ron and Hermione helped a lot. So did Kreacher and Hagrid. So did Teddy and Andromeda. I tried my best to be occupied with something or the other. But, that doesn't mean I chugged a whole bottle of Firewhiskey  every other day or I didn't cry myself to sleep every night. God, breaking up is messy.

"Harry", all of the Weasleys sang as I stepped out of the fireplace.

"Hullo everyone", I said, staring down at the ground.

"It's been so long since I saw you", Molly said, hugging me.

I closed my eyes as I hugged her back.

Arthur clapped me on the back and I hugged all of the Weasleys except Ginny.

Both of us kind of nodded curtly at each other. She was as beautiful as ever. Soon, Ron and Hermione joined us and conversation flowed easily.

We ate the great food made by Molly and laughed and talked and smiled.

At last, Percy said, "I proposed to Audrey last week and she said yes".

"Percy, that's awesome", Molly said and hugged both of them.

"Congrats Percy and Audrey", Arthur said.

All of us hugged them in turns.

Audrey was very beautiful. Long brown hair and hazel eyes. But her beauty was nothing when compared with her good heart. Fleur, Molly, Ginny, Hermione and Audrey got along like a house on fire. They would talk for hours together without even a topic. Though it took some time for Ron and me to get used to her, she won over us with her sweet nature. She was loving, caring and very nice. Percy had changed a lot too. He was very nice and sweet. They were like the best couple except Ron and Hermione probably. All these perfect couples kind of freaked me out. Maybe, something was wrong with me.

Ginny looked at me and I wondered if she was thinking about the same thing. I quickly looked away and blinked rapidly and hoped no one noticed my tears.

After more conversations and laughter and a game of Quidditch, I returned home to see an owl waiting in my room.

"Sorry. I wasn't home. Hope you weren't waiting for a long time", I said.

The owl kind of glared at me.

"Can I take the letter? ", I asked.

The owl's glare intensified but it still held it's leg out.

I took the letter from its leg and placed it aside.

"Do you want something to eat? ", I asked and the owl nodded frantically.

"Okay", I said and brought some toast for the owl.

I had never been able to buy another owl after I lost Hedwig.

"Dear Harry,
  Hope this letter finds you in good health. Cissy, Lucius and I are planning to visit our aunt in Spain. Can you and Draco take care of Teddy for a month? I know you must be busy but I can't think of anyone else. Please Harry?

Love Andromeda"

"Alright", I wrote back and the owl flew away with my letter.

Taking care of Teddy can't be that hard, can it?

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