Chapter 13

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"Teddy, wake up", I said, waking him up softly.

"Uncle Harry, I don't want to wake up", he said.

"Then Draco and I will go to the Quidditch World Cup. You sleep for some more time", I said, shocked at how easily I had switched from Malfoy to Draco.

"I'll come too", he said, waking up quickly.

"Good, go and brush then", I said and kissed him on his forehead.

"When is grandma coming back? ", he asked.

"Soon, we'll talk with her in the evening, okay? ", I asked.

"Okay, where's Draco? ", he asked.

"He's still asleep. I'll go and wake him up", I said.

"I'll go and brush", he said and rushed away.

I made his bed with a simple spell and knocked on Draco's bedroom. No response.

"Malfoy? ", I called out. No response.

I opened his bedroom's door and walked in. He was still sleeping.

"Malfoy? ", I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. God, why wasn't he wearing a shirt? I mean, I wasn't complaining but it made me think of things I shouldn't be thinking of.

"Potter? ", he said, rubbing his eyes.

"It's the Quidditch World Cup today", I said.

"Alright. Alright. I'm waking up", he said.

"I'll wait downstairs", I said and rushed out of his bedroom hoping I wasn't blushing.

God, Hermione. You shouldn't have asked me if I liked Malfoy yesterday. I hadn't even considered such a thing until she asked me. And now, I couldn't think of anything except that.

Malfoy was hot, to be honest. Silly blonde hair, pale complexion, deep grey eyes, tiny little nose, soft pink lips.

But then, I didn't even know much about him. He was serious yet caring. For seven years, I hated him. For the next three years, I had no clue where he was. And then suddenly, in two weeks of time, I had fallen for him. Can you like someone in two weeks of time? And, he had a crush on someone. God, why can't he fall for me?

What would everyone say if I came out. I mean, Dean and Seamus were already a couple and no one minded. But, I'm the boy who lived and all. And, Malfoy's reputation isn't exactly good. Bully, Death Eater, betrayed Voldemort and suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth for three years. And what if he was straight? God, help me.

"Uncle Harry. I'm hungry ", Teddy said.

"I've put some cereal on the table, Ted", I said.

Teddy was wearing a 'WEASLEY' T-shirt( a Holyhead Harpies T-shirt with 6 written on its back) just like me. And Draco was supposed to wear it too.

"Do I have to wear this? ", he asked for the umpteenth time as we walked towards the portkey.

He too was wearing a 'WEASLEY' T-shirt and holding Teddy's hand.

"Yes, Malfoy. And we're going to The Burrow after the match", I said.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? Why don't you ever tell me anything?", he asked.

"Oh come on, Malfoy. There's the portkey", I said, pointing to a ugly looking trunk lying in the middle of the road.

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