Chapter 14

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"Wow", Teddy said, softly as we entered the stadium and I chucked softly. I thought of the time when I had come to the Quidditch World Cup in my fourth year and shared a glance with Potter who seemed to be thinking of the same thing. Things were crazy back then.

"Hi, Harry. Hi, Draco", Ginny Weasley said as we both walked inside the stadium.

"Hey, Teddy. How are you? ", she asked, kneeling down and ruffling his hair.

"Hi, Ginny. Are you scared? ", Teddy asked.

"A little", she admitted.

"All the best, Ginny. Don't worry, you'll win the cup", he said.

"Thanks, Teddy", she said and ruffled his hair once again.

I looked over at Harry who showed no sign of seeing his ex girlfriend. Everytime, he saw her, I could see him miserable and heart broken but this time, there was nothing. So, he is over her. Ginny was beautiful, I mean, I am gay but still. Long red hair, big chocolate brown eyes, freckles. And a chaser in the Holyhead Harpies at nineteen is remarkable.

"Teddy's right. Don't worry, you'll win today", Harry said.

"Thanks, Harry", she said.

"Ron was just saying how much you'd changed", she said, turning to me.

"Um yeah thanks", I said, not knowing what to say.

"I've to go now. I'll meet you three later", she said.

"See you later, Ginny", Teddy said and she walked away.

"So, let's go find a seat? ",I asked and Harry nodded. Harry, Teddy and I sat on the top box with Ron and Hermione. The rest of the Weasleys and Hermione, Audrey and Angelina Johnson, were wearing 'WEASLEY' T-shirts and cheering Ginny loudly. The stadium was huge, even though it wasn't the final, witches and wizards from all over Britain had come. The stadium was half packed and the crowd was rather wild.

The Holyhead Harpies won brilliantly over Puddlemere United with a score of 200-60. The crowd was cheering wildly and the players came into the stadium one by one.

All of the Weasleys were hugging and congratulating Ginny while Hermione, Harry, Neville and I stood back. Teddy was talking with Hannah about his kindergarten.

"Hi, Draco", Mrs. Weasley said.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley", I said.

"You're joining us for dinner, I hope? ", she asked.

"Yeah, he is", Potter said, intervening.

"Good, Disapparating isn't safe for Teddy. You and Harry come to the Burrow with a portkey", she said.

"Okay", Potter said.

"See you later, dear", she said.

"Potter, why am I doing this? ", I asked.

"Teddy loves the Weasleys", he said.

"Why should I come with you? ", I asked.

"You are family now, Malfoy", he said and my heart skipped a beat.

"Now, now boys give Ginny a break", she said, separating the Weasleys who were in a sort of a weird group hug.

"Ginny, all of us will be at the Burrow. You'll come in an hour with Ron and Hermione? ", she asked Ginny.

"Sure, mum. See you later", she said and walked away chatting happily with her teammate.

All of the Weasleys disapparated away while Potter, Teddy and I used a portkey to go to the Burrow.

"Hey Teddy", Mrs. Weasley said as we entered the drawing room. The Burrow wasn't big or clean or luxurious. But, it was home and that was more than enough.

"Hello Molly", he said, hugging her.

"How are you? Do you miss grandma?", she asked.

"Yeah but Harry and Draco take good care of me. We went to a film and then we went shopping. Draco cooks very well, you know? ", he said and the whole family stared at me.

"This may come as a surprise, but he does cook well", Potter said.

"That's um surprising", George said, looking very surprised.

"Come and sit down, you two", Molly said and conjured a baby chair for Teddy to sit down. I helped Teddy get inside the baby chair and I sat opposite Potter beside George.

Percy Weasley and his girlfriend were sitting at the end with Mr. Weasley. Bill Weasley was sitting at the other end chatting with Angelina, George's girlfriend and George. Potter and I were sitting facing each other and there were a few empty seats were for Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley.

"How are your mother and father? ", Mr. Weasley asked.

"They're fine, sir", I said and Potter raised an eyebrow at me, smirking.

"Mr. Weasley will do", he said.

"They're in Spain now? ", he asked.

"Yes, Mr. Weasley. They're visiting Aunt Charlotte and uncle Richard Selwyn. An has also gone with them", I said.

"Where were you for three years? ", he asked.

"I finished my final year at Ilvermorny. Then, I travelled around and worked a bit. Mother and father were at our summer house", I said.

"I heard you're doing an incredible job of taking care of Teddy", he said.

"He is", Potter said, his green eyes smiling.

"That's very nice. You should ask your parents to join us for dinner sometime", he said.

"Yes sir. I mean, Mr. Weasley", I said.

"So, you three went to a film? How was it? ", he asked.

"It was magical. Like something is projected on a white screen and it moves. And fishes could talk with something called animation. Like everything is happening in front of your own eyes but it isn't. Muggles are really brilliant", I said. Potter was looking at me amusedly, as though I was some cartoon Teddy watches on the television .

I noticed slowly that all of the Weasleys had abandoned their conversations and were staring at me.

"Oh! Harry can I see that film too? ", he asked.

"Sure, Mr. Weasley", he said.

"Ginny's here", Ron said and all of us turned to see Ron, Hermione and Ginny come into the dining hall. All of the Weasleys stood up and clapped and cheered and hugged Ginny so I stood up and congratulated her too.

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