Post 8 : Peter Parker

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Liked by Michelle, nedleeds and 2314 others

PeterP Hello people🌞

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Michelle little copy cat

PeterP Michelle you said good morning and I said hello...big difference

nedleeds PeterP where are you and why are you shirtless?

Belle.💖 nedleeds don't question it just shut up

nedleeds Belle.💖 who are you?

PeterP nedleeds I'm at a secret place

Michelle nedleeds he's at my place

Peter P way to ruin the secrecy

nedleed PeterP her house!? Are you still okay? She kidnapped you didn't she?

Michelle haha fuck you Ned

PeterP We're just eating breakfast you can join nedleeds

nedleeds  no no obviously I wasn't on your mind when you made the arrangement so bye bye

Michelle nedleeds drama queen

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