Post 25: Peter Parker

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Liked by nedleeds, LizBaby and 890 124 others

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Liked by nedleeds, LizBaby and 890 124 others

PeterP I just want to run away with you is that so bad?

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Michelle ❤

nedleeds why her? What about me then!

PeterP nedleeds We'll text after Michelle and I run away together

Bubble that dress is fugly

Michelle Bubble there you go again with the fugly

Bubble he should run away with me and not someone who's fugly

Michelle Bubble sadly that's not gonna happen now I would recommend you stop right here and get of my boyfriends account or there will be consequences

Bubble I'll do what I want...fugly

Michelle that's it

nedleeds did she just typed boyfriend? PeterP

PeterP yes nedleeds we are dating and to be honest it took you guys very long to catch on

nedleeds so we are not geniuses

PeterP nedleeds it's just dating would be the first thing you think of

neeeds true. What is Michelle gonna do?

LizBaby let's sign of and not ask questions

PeterP good thought bye!

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