Post 24: Bella

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Liked by Michelle, XcX and 648403 others

Bella throwback to dance camp "Stand still Michelle we're trying to take a picture!"
Happy Birthday you crazy person

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Michelle 🙈Thanks Belle I have so forgotten you hord up old pictures and videos and humiliate people with them

LizBaby you can dance

Bella Can she dance! LizBaby she was one of the best hip hop dancers there

nedleeds hip hop? Best dancer? Michelle you are full of surpises!!

Charlottesville and she can sing

PeterP Michelle WHAT REALLY!!😱

Michelle PeterP no they are all lying. Do I look like someone who can do stuff like that. Obviously as you can see that picture is not a picture of me

nedleeds then why did you say thank you?

Michelle to be honest why do I do a lot of things?

Bella Michelle you are a liar

Michelle Bella I will shove your hand down your throat

Bella Michelle I miss you

Michelle Bella me 2...I guess

PeterP this is so sweet

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