Post 64: Peter

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Liked by nedleeds, MichelleP and 72 757 others

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Liked by nedleeds, MichelleP and 72 757 others

PeterP she's in London... I miss her

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MichelleP Im going to sleep

MayP wow MJ I really like the new name

MichelleP I mean thank you😎

PeterP you just said that you're going to bed

MichelleP then someone complimented my name

PeterP I didn't even notice, wasnt it always that way?

MichelleP 😍aww

deja_vu when are you two getting married!?

MichelleP soon...

PeterP soon

nedleeds soon

MichelleP nedleeds who let you in on the joke?

nedleeds no one I just felt left out

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