Post 77:Bubble

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Liked by LizBaby, nedleeds and 123 456 others

Bubble Vegas, such a lovely place to make new friends and oh... Get married with the new friends

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Charlottesville You did what!!

MichelleP Bubble I swear to you I will find you and end you slowly and painfully

Bubble oh wait. Nobody knew!? Darn

nedleeds wait what does this bubble person mean?

MayP Michelle please don't tell me this is what I think this is?

PeterP it is may

MichelleP you're such a wuss sometimes Peter

PeterP I can't lie to May!! Can you!?

JaniceJones oh... My... God

DanielJones your mother just fainted. We're gonna have a big chat about this Michelle Jones

MichelleP well technically it's Michelle Parker now officially

nedleeds shoot me now

PeterP ...

TonyStark let me get this straight. You guys went to Vegas... With BUBBLE of all people!?

Bubble yes and they got married behind everybodies backs. Let's be angry at them all at once

Flash YEAH ^

LizBaby Aaawww Chelle you're married without us

MichelleP we'll explain everything

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