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Liked by Michelle, XcX and 690 457 others

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Liked by Michelle, XcX and 690 457 others

Bubble this bitch showed up at my house 2 days ago glad I could help ment your broken heart

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Michelle Bubble you're so fugly

nedleeds I'm confused

LizBaby ^

Charlottesville ^

PeterP ^

Bella Bubble OMG RONNIE!!

Bubble Bella Belle!!

Michelle PeterP YOU'RE ONLINE!!

PeterP Michelle yeah Mr Stark broke my phone now finally fixed it

TonyStark I replaced it didn't I?

Michelle PeterP I miss you

PeterP Michelle I miss you more

Bubble ^ barf

Michelle Bubble fuck off

Bubble Michelle make me fugly

nedleeds see this is what I don't understand

Charlottesville Michelle I know where you are now MJ I am coming to get you

Michelle Charlottesville from queens to where I'm at it a day long drive really?

Charlottesville me or mom

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