Real Life

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"I really don't like your friend," Peter said throwing his phone on the couch in their bedroom.

They came back a few days ago after going to Vegas. Yes, the rumors are true they did get married, but it wasn't suppose to get out like this.

"Well we didn't know that Veronica would follow us all the way to Vegas. I mean I didn't even know that she knew where I lived!" Michelle said sitting up from where she was laying on her bed.

She pushed herself up onto her feet, but immediately sat back down. Everything in her body was aching and the added stress with the stalker dude and then Bubble being the bitch that she is was, was really getting to her.

"Michelle please calm down," Peter said worried crouching down in front of her.

If there was one thing that Michelle was greatful for was the fact that no one knew about the baby yet. And yes Michelle was pregnant and she was already showing. That is not the reason they got married. Going to Vegas was their original plan, but then came the baby then they had to be extra careful.

There was a knock on the door and Peter went to open it. In busted May with a worried face.
"Married Peter!" she stared and Pete r tried to explain.

"Look May-"

"What were you thinking!!!??" She said then someone spoke up.

"It was my idea," Michelle said," I wanted to be a married woman when this thing busts out of my vagina," Michelle said standing against the wall with her arms crossed over her bulging belly.

May gasped when she saw MJ. Tears formed in her eyes and she ran up to Michelle and hugged her.
"Oh my god I can't believe it," May said and Michelle let out a tired laugh.

May helped Michelle to the couch.
"Oh my God!" Peter whipped around to see Ned standing in the open door.

Ned's eyes were wide and Peter rolled his eyes pulling Ned in all the way and slammed the door shut.
"Your gonna be a dad?" Ned said in shock.

"Yes Ned I am," Peter said as they moved to the kitchen.

"She got you trapped," Ned said and Peter chuckled.

"Please Ned no one can find out about this. There's too many weird shit going on now a days this will only cause problems for Michelle and the baby," Peter said and Ned nodded.

"I won't tell anyone I promise," Ned said, " can I tell Betty?"

"Ned no!!" Peter said then May came into the kitchen.

"She's a sleep now," she said wrapping an arm around Peter.

"May I'm worried. She looks so tired and fragile and all these awful threats and things are coming towards us I don't know how I'm gonna protect her," he said worried.

"Peter you'll be ok," May said and Peter shook his head.

"Tony found that question mark dude that's been stalking Michelle and asked me to come with him to catch him..." he said and May looked at him shocked.

"Does Michelle know?" she asked.

"No, and I don't want to leave her May," he said and May sighed.

"Peter you have to tell her and May can come live her for the time being right May?" Ned said.

"Of course I'll stay here," May said.

"I'll need to tell Michelle," he said and Ned and May nodded.

"But I also have to keep her safe and by doing this I know I will keep her safe... Keep them both safe," Peter said looking down at his wedding band.

Later that night he told Michelle about Tony and the plan. She didn't say anything and just listened.
"Your gonna make me face the wrath of my family alone," she said laying her head on his chest.

Peter ran his hand gently over her tummy.
"I need to protect my wife and kid," he said and Michelle blushed.

"Well Mr Parker please don't die not that I can't do this on my own it's just... I'm use to you and I don't think I can find another nerd like you-"

"I love you too Mrs Parker," he said and she rolled her eyes.

"That's not what I said... And you can call me that again if you like," she said kissing him softly.

"Mrs Parker," he whispered kissing her neck biting and nibbling.

"Hmmmm," Michelle hummed running her hands through Peter's hair.

There was a knock at their bedroom door and Peter froze. There was another knock on the door and the knock became more urgent.

Peter whipped up and opened the door.
"Peter what is it?" Michelle asked.

"There's no one here," he said. Michelle sat up feeling her heart pound against her chest.

"Impossible," she said.

Peter turned on the security then went back to bed.
"I'll protect you MJ don't worry," he said urgently.

Peter layed back staring at the door. Who ever this is they won't get away with this. They won't.

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