Chapter 1

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My dad left me when I was four years of age, because it didn't work out with him and my mum because he was on tour and away all the time, and my mum didn't want to take me on tour since I was a toddler.

Who's my dad, you may ask? Harry Styles.

Yes, the Harry Styles of the boy band One Direction. Crazy, huh?

My name is Darcy Anne Styles. My dad named me so I would have his mum's name in my name. I don't have any memories from my dad, except for one. He was crying and saying he would see me sometime again, but I was too little to understand that was a lie. That's what my mum said all the time.

I look at my mum's obituary in the newspaper. I remember what she told me to do whenever she dies. She said to me, "Honey, track your dad down whenever I die, no matter what age you are. You need at least one parent in your life, hun."

I sigh and get of the couch. I have a month to find some adult to live with. So its either my dad, or relatives that live across the country. Well, I don't know where my dad is either.

I go onto the computer and go to Google. I type in 'Harry Styles' and click search. I see a man who looks exactly like me, same smile, same hair, same eyes, same dimples, same everything. In the news, I see 'Harry Styles and the other One Direction lads kick off world tour in their very own country, England'.

I click on the link and I see they are 10 miles away at the closest arena for three nights. Oh my God, I'm getting a ticket to one of the shows.

I click on the Ticketmaster link and I see there's 25 tickets still available and 3 backstage passes! I pay with my mum's credit card. I'm sorry, mum. That's what you told me to do, to find dad.

I sigh and I'm content that I'm meeting my dad. What if he really doesn't want me anymore, or forgot he had me? I would cry because he's the only family I can go to right now.

I go into my bedroom and open my wardrobe up. I got a ticket for tonight, so I better get ready. I pull out a pink tank top with a black crop top on over it and a pair of capri pants that are blue. I put on my same old black sneakers and grab my purse and phone.

I head out the door and I go into my car. My mum got this for me for my sixteenth birthday and I remember how excited I was to see it and know that it was all mine.

I drive to the arena, and the whole way there I keep tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. Finally I see the huge arena and I have to park my car at the next building away because there are so many fans already there, and it's three and a half hours before the show starts.

I go up to one of the security guards and I tap on his shoulder. "Um, excuse me, but where do I go? I have a backstage pass." I pull it out of my pocket along with my ticket and show the man.

"Follow me, then." He takes me into a door along the side of the arena and swipes my pass along a sensor, and the door automatically opens up. The guard takes me through a flight of stairs.

We make some conversation along the way. "What's in that folder right there?" he asks.

"Um, well, my mum passed away recently. She gave me my birth certificate before she passed and told me to wait until after she died. And well, it says that.. Harry.. he's my dad." I wait for the guards response. .

"Lemme see that certificate." I hand it to him and he nods and his eyes go wide. "It's real. So, you're Darcy?" I nod.

"Should.. should I tell Harry about this, or.." I hesitate.

"Yes. You should tell him." he says and gives me my folder back. We get to an area where I can see Niall.

"Oh, I'm too nervous." I sigh. "I can't go in there."

"It'll be fine." the guard assures me.

How can he be so sure?

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