Chapter 12

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Heeey guys I'm so excited this book is close to 1k reads! I love you guys Without further ado, here's the next chapter c:


I bite my lip and open the envelope. I look over at my dad quickly and he nods at me. I pull the paper out. My mum's handwriting is on the papers. I start reading. It says:

Dear Darcy,

I don't know how much longer I'll be around, so I might be gone by the time you get this. If I am, which I probably will, just know I love you and I'm so sorry I left you. Don't cry over me, I will always be in your heart forever.

I need to clear some things up though. I kept telling you your dad left you and me, but he didn't. I didn't want to tell you that I actually told him to leave. There were many rumors that he was cheating on me, and me being insecure, I believed the rumors and not your dad. Please don't be mad, I never you wanted you to be mad that's why I'm telling you this now. He kept saying he wasn't cheating, but one day when he came home from just finishing the Where We Are tour in 2014, I flipped out and told him to leave. Please please please don't me mad, I just wanted to do what was best for you, but it really wasn't in the end.

I'm sorry we never had enough money. After I told your dad to leave, you were just a little girl, I started to get sick. I started worrying, but I didn't want you to worry. You were always a child to worry when growing up, so I never told you until the last minute. Every night before I went to sleep I used to cry because you would have to grow up without a mum. Promise me you'll be strong without me and fall in love.

Don't let anyone get in the way between you and your love EVER. It's not worth it. I did it and it was the biggest mistake I made. If you love someone, never let them go. I hope you find someone you can be with forever and have kids with. Promise me you'll tell your dad what happened and that I'm sorry and I should've believed him and that I still love him.

I love you so much sweetheart. Just please find love and never let him go and keep him forever. Don't do what I did. Now I'm sorry I can't be there to see this boy, but I bet he's amazing and you probably already have someone in mind. I will be watching over you and I will see the boy soon, just remember that! Anyways, I'm also sorry I won't be there when you graduate, then get married, have kids, and to see you grow up any longer. I'm so sorry and I feel so bad. I hope by now you have found dad and have a good father-daughter relationship with him so you at least have one parent in your life.

Love Mom ♥

It takes me a few minutes to get through it because I keep crying. Why did she want me to wait till now to read this? I wish I would've read this sooner. I hug the paper to my chest and close my eyes while I start crying again. Suddenly, all the boys come over, all nine of them, and hug me, starting with Harry and Luke.

I tell Harry what she told me to tell him, and he starts crying too. "I knew it. I knew it was the fucking media and all their bullshit lies. I HATE the media so much sometimes. They ruin my relationships no matter what. Your mom, she was the one. I know it." he says.

"You don't deserve this. I'm so sorry and I wish I could take away the hurt." Luke says to me.

"You two still can't date. Got it?" Harry says sternly. I nod. Yeah right, I think.

"When are you going to say to the media about me?" I ask Harry.

"When I'm ready." he replies.

"Yeah, but don't you think it will be worse the longer you wait?" I ask.

"It's my decision, Darcy. Not yours." he shakes his head at me.

"Yeah, but--" I start.

"There's no buts about it." he interrupts me.

"Why do you keep treating me like a little kid who doesn't know anything?" I snap.

"Because you're acting like one." he says calmly.

"Ugh!" I sigh and walk away from them.

Great birthday, huh?


Hey guys!!! So I'm dedicating this chapter to my friend that I'm working on a new book with @blue_harrystylesXx !!!! Go follow her and read her books!!! BTW our book is on her profile so go check that one out too :)

Can we get this book to 1K reads by the next update please?? I love you all :)



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