"Come here, Mai, stop your tears." Alex said as he gestured his arms out to comfort me. I gave in to it, leaned into his chest, and let his arms wrap around me as I bawled until my eyes were drier than desert sand. Eventually, my sobs transformed into shallow breaths, and I felt better.
"Hey Alex? I don't feel like crying over him anymore. I want to do something about it. I'm tired of being treated like a child. I'm 18, dang it. and if the country trusts me enough to vote, I might as well be able to prove someone wrong for once. Ecspecially, that narcissistic, damp sock!" I rant to Alex as his smirk grew into a small grin, into a half-hearted chuckle. "That's the kind of enthusiasm I want to hear! Now, since I shared my power with you, I was able to look into your memories to see if you were fit for magic I possessed, but as it turns out; You already had a fragment of magical genes inside of you. Mai, you were the only candidate that was prepared for the magic I've bestowed upon you." He smiles super sweetly towards me. As he told me this my cheeks turn a small twinge of pink. "Really?" I said bashfully. "Yes, only you. Now, to start your training, I'll teach you something that should be enough to get the magic flowing through you. Remember when Naru blew up that statue during that case with the cliff and then ended up in the hospital?" He said bent down to meet my gaze. I nodded, "I can show you how to do just that, and without the fainting and expensive hospital trip."
"How did you know about that case?"
"I took the liberty of going through your memories, remember?" He huffs exasperatedly.
"Heh, heh, right!" I said as sweat dripped down my forehead, embarrassed.
He snapped his fingers and then we were transported into a large, blurry, mass of green and brown. It then, slowly, focused itself into a forest that I recognized as the one beside Naru's family estate.
"Wow, that was so cool! How did you do that?" I said enthusiastically.
"One thing at a time, Mai" he chuckled once more.
We started out slow since I was a beginner to magic 101. For the move that Naru did all that time ago, he built up his PK in his body and distributed it evenly around his body except for the fact tgst the most of it was concentrated into his hands.
This part was tricky because we first only concentrated magic around my entire body, then concentrated it in my hands, and then putting the 2 skills together was the most struggling and time-consuming.
It was a little bit past sundown by the time I finally mastered the skill altogether.
Around me, there were at least, 3 trees that had been taken out correctly in the forest, and 8 fails of partially demolished trees with their branches, sticks, and logs scattered aimlessly about the forest.
I wiped the sweat off my bros, hunched over, out of breath as Alex concluded the lesson, "I'm trusting you to use this skill wisely, like the government trusts you to vote only once. Now that you have it down to a science you should be able to use this skill without fail often. before you need to stop. Using is more than 3 times at full strength should be use in situations when you are practicing or can rest. That way you don't over exert yourself during a ghost fight and end up in the hospital, just like our favorite narcissist did. Even if you do use this skill in a fight, it's not a move that can be used on ghosts, it can, however, be used to obliterate the object a ghost is possessing, and again it cannot be used on ghosts. It will only waste your energy." He said taking a deep breath after finishing because wasn't breathing when he talked.
He did that a lot when we were dating. He would ramble for about a minute and have to stop to take a deep breath and then repeat that until he was done.
"Repeat what I said," Alex commanded after he caught his breath.
"The government trusts me to vote," I reply jokingly.
"Not what I was going for, but at least you got something out of my lesson" Alex laughs as he teleports me back at Naru's place before he left.
He had spent too much time in the human world and had to go back to the angel world before he collapsed for exhaustion and withered away on earth.
I looked down at my clothes, wiped all the dirt I could off my clothes before walking in an attempt not to track dirt in my wake.I let out a sigh of relief after seeing that no one was on the first floor. I took it as my chance to sneak in and quickly run up the stairs and hide. I'm too tired to explain my current state of cleanliness or lack thereof.
I made it to Naru's room unseen and thankfully, yet reluctantly, he wasn't there. That made me worry, he left hours and hours ago and he still hasn't come back for all I know. Maybe I'm digging too much into it. He's probably fine.
Since Naru's bedroom is a master's bedroom, it had a conjoined bathroom to the right of the bed which was placed centered to the back wall. The other side of the bed contained a desk and lamp piahed to the corner to leave room for all the other unoccupied space along the wall which happened to be covered in bookshelves. Not to mention the massive library on the main floor that was bigger than all the floor space in my medium sized apartment back in Japan.
I walked past the bed and into the master bathroom to take a shower. Hopefully, Naru comes back soon. Not into the bathroom while I'm using it, but in generel and soon.

Ghost Hunt Continued (continued)
FanfictionWell, this is the second book, feel free to check out the first part which is on my works tab. I can't give too much of a description now because I'd spoil a lot but you can catch up with my other book so you know the direction of this book.