Masako's P.O.V
I was walking along after gabbing with the others in the living room and dialing excusing myself to the guest room the Davis' provided us.
"Lin, we're to shut down SPR. I'm done fooling around like this anymore," I overheard Oliver's harsh voice declare. I froze in my spot stunned at what I just heard. 'We can't shut it down. I don't want to go back and do T.V shows anymore. I love SPR and its income keeps me from having to do the T.V shows I dreaded week after week. It also wouldn't be fair to Mai.' I thought terrified at the thought of loosing the place I began to start calling home.
I heard the conversation and how it progressed. 'There has to be something I can do to change his mind. I'll have to talk to Gene.' I said coming up with a plan.
I didn't waste any time running back down to the living room. "Gene- wheeze- I need to- wheeze- speak- wheeze- with you," I manage to say gasping for air because I ran so fast. Everyone was on alert seeing me in such bad shape.
"Is there a ghost?" Mai asked. "No,"
"A poltergeist?" John inquired.
"An earth- bound spirit?" Ayako asked.
"No" I state starting to get irritated.
"Curse?" Monk asks with a lack on confidence.
"No, no, no, but Gene come with me. It's serious," and with that I had gained his attention and dragged him away from the others across the hall and at the foot of the stairs.
"What did you want to talk about that's so important?" Gene asks worryingly.
I told him what I heard and didn't spare any detail. He stood there for a second in order to process.
"Why would he do that?! He has no right to break up this family!" he says starting to panic.
"I know, but if there's anyone who can knock some sense into that self absorbed, idiot scientist, it's you." I continued."That won't be necessary," we heard a stoic voice say from the top of the stairs. Of course, it's Naru. "I've already made up my mind and no one can change it." He says slowly walking down glaring with every step he took and every word he said.
"But you can't just-"
"Oh, but I can and I will," he smirks cutting me off.By now everyone in the other room has flooded into the door way to look at the spectacle taking place between me and the two twin brothers.
Naru turns and faces Monk, Ayako, Mai, Yasu, John, and Lin who made it half way down the stairs and figured out what was going on, "Everyone listen up. I'm not going to repeat myself, so listen closely. After our case that starts tomorrow, I'll be shutting down SPR for good. I already acheived my goals with this silly company a while back and now I've decided to put my plan into motion. I suggest you start looking for another job in your downtime on our next case."
In a frenzy everyone bursts and starts bombarding the narcissist with questions, but Mai on the other hand just stood there and looked at her feet. It wasn't long before tears fell. I felt bad for her I really want to be there for her.

Ghost Hunt Continued (continued)
FanfictionWell, this is the second book, feel free to check out the first part which is on my works tab. I can't give too much of a description now because I'd spoil a lot but you can catch up with my other book so you know the direction of this book.