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I got out of the shower and there were no signs of Naru. I am really worried now because it's now 7 pm and the sun has completely set. I dressed in a deep red skirt and orange sweater and went downstairs for dinner.

I was late for dinner since dinner normally started just before 7, so everyone was already seated around the table, everyone but Naru. Lin wasn't there either so they must be together where ever they are. I sat down next to Ayako and Monk. "Hey Mai, where were you earlier, we couldn't find you. We were worried sick!" Monk started freaking out. "I went to the store, don't worry about it guys," I said putting my hands up in defense. I don't know why I lied to them. I had no reason to, well I guess I did but I don't want them to be controlling or observing my lessons, it's private. Only Naru know the truth of Alex's promise and I would like to keep it that way. "But you didn't bring home any groceries as far as I can tell," Masako said giving me a sideways smirk like she had me figured out. "I went shopping for personal stuff and put it away as soon I got home," I said getting a little nervous because my fake reason could be awkward for the others. "What kind of personal reasons would make you hide your groceries. I mean I don't get zucchini only to hide it as soon I got home," Masako continued the prosecution against my really convincing lie. "It was lady stuff, I don't really think I need to go into detail," Everyone at the table froze and continued eating dinner quietly and just like like the topic was dropped. Mr. Davis's face lost its color and everyone else's face.

The slam of a door brought everyone's attention away from me. Naru speed walked into the room and sat down at his spot to eat and Lin did the same but in a cool nature and stature. Naru took a few bites of his food and dabbed his face poshily. "We have a case," he said taking another bite immediately after. "What?!" Everyone practically yells in unison. "So you mean all this time you were gone you found a case," John said as a sweat mark appeared on his face. "Do you really think I'd tell you a lie about something as important as a case as a joke?" Naru said raising his eyebrow. "Um, no," John said letting another sweat drop loose. The tension in the room was unreal as people excused themselves from the table after quickly finishing his dinner, soon enough I was the only person left at the dinner table.

"So Mai, have you had any dreams recently?" Naru asked folding his hands in his lap. "No, I haven't, and quit acting like earlier never happened," I snapped. He raised his eyebrow as if questioning your aligation. "You know exactly what I mean. First of all, HOW DARE YOU! You force me to tell you everything, and I did. Reluctantly, but still, I told you. Then, you had the AUDACITY to laugh in my face, AND put me down at one of my all-time lows. I DIED IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER! I JUST CAME BACK TO LIFE AND YOU MAKE ME SICK SOMETIMES. YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT? IM SO TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR STUCK UP ATTITUDE! HAVE SOME RESPECT, DAMN IT!" I yell at him. After my "speech" everyone had their head poked around the corner. I pushed my chair away so hard it fell over and stormed out. Once I was out of the room, just to confirm my point I used my PK to lift the chair back to it's standing position. As I approached the door I heard Monk turn and ask the group, "Did she just use a cuss word‽" Soon enough I walked out of the house full of energy. I went back over to where I was practicing my PK earlier and used my extra energy to take my anger out on the poor innocent trees.

Naru's P.O.V

I came home still in a bad mood from earlier. 'She thinks she's #1 just because she's clairvoyant. That just peeves me off. Mai always finds a way to be the center attention. I'm willing to share the spotlight but recently, it's just been all about her. I might sound harsh but the point of my job here at SPR is to make sure we stay on task and do what we do best. All this horsing around has driven me up the wall. This isn't why I started this business, and dang it I should just shut the place down. I already have the thing I even went to Japan for so why am I even her.' I thought to myself as I paced in my room. A picture on my desk of the SPR gang sat on my dresser. I glared at it, apparently so hard it cracked on its diagonal and all the faces on the picture burned holes through the photo. A pang of regret circulated through me before getting pushed out.

Lin came in and sat on the bed and sighed. "Lin, we're to shut down SPR. I'm done fooling around like this anymore," I said giving a rather harsh look at my assistant. He looked at me shocked before retorting back, "Surely you're joking. After all Mai just got back with us and now you want to break her even more than you've already done? Not to mention the fact that we just got a case earlier this afternoon." Lin states matter- of- factly.

"Since when do I ever "joke" as you call it. Also, since we already accepted that case we'll finish it and close down. Am I clear?" I said glaring down at Lin.

"You've made yourself clear, but feel free to think over this more in my absence." Lin said walking into the bathroom.

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