Hunting (noodle POV)

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I woke up to Murdoc's yelling; he does that more that usual now i guess keeping us all alive took a toll on the green man. I got up from the small room and looked out side into the hallway of the cabin. There he was, scolding 2D like a child for something about food. This was a normal occurrence from our life making music and our life making corpses. I got ready and grabbed my katana, I would hate to be late and Murdoc's bad mood wasn't helping. I sneaked out he back door to avoid his wrath and hoped 2D would get too hurt. There's nothing I could do. My shoes crushed the leaves of the forest floor. We had stopped keeping track of time as it just become another nuisance for us, but the lack of leaves on the trees told me it was some time in November. All of a sudden it hit me. It had been my birthday not too long ago. God I missed that time... Just making music and having fun. That little girl inside of me was gone and now replaced with a savage hunter. Sure I liked being wild but I wish I could do better.

"Noodle! you there?" Murdoc's voice broke through to my thoughts and shifted my attention to the walkie talkie

"Yes sir" I responded " I just got out and i'm heading east into the forest"

" Alright bring back a deer" He paused "and some patience because we Just. Ran. Out" I heard 2D wince in the background until it went to static and murdoc logged off. I put the walkie talkie away and continued jogging through, over the log and wading through the small river. The marked tree indicated that I had arrived.. at the hunting grounds. I took my katana out and layed my bag in the small ditch I dug many days ago. Today was my luck, 3 large deer were out and grazing. I whispered some hopeful words in Japanese and dashed behind the tree nearest to the does. I waited one more second before jumping out and tackling one of the deer. The 2 others fled in panic. The deer squirmed beneath me for a couple of seconds before I dug my blade into the soft flesh of its skin. I let out a sign and proceed to call murdoc.

"Oi luv, you done yet? " His crackly voice came through
"Yes all done for today" I paused wondering if I should tell him the good news, "heading back now"
I hurled the dead thing half way onto my back and speed walked back to camp careful as to not attract the attention of any infected. On my way back I decided to take one of the shortcuts murdoc taught me. I still didnt know it very well but I was sure I could find my way. I followed the marks so cleverly marked on the trees and walked on.
After a while of jogging and speed walking I realized that I probably should have been home by now
I was lost
I stole a glance at my watch with the deer still on my back. Six. Forty. Fucking eight. I glanced around myself in desperation as the air around me became significantly colder. A million thoughts ran through my mind and i fought to keep composure. The sun was setting and soon the infected would come out too. I had about 40 minutes to find home before I would be screwed. The pain in my back from carrying the seer had became almost unbearable making my thoughts more frantic. I tried to back the way I can but to no avail I just got more lost. I then began searching for a tree I could climb and maybe be safe from those... Things. As I found one suitable for climbing something caught my eye.
"Russel? "
A short chubby figure in the distance. It had to be him. I dropped the deer and ran towards it. I shouldnt have been so stupid. I should have come to my senses. Halfway in a full on sprint I noticed the blood covering him and the missing arm. In blind confusion I didn't look that the floor and landed face first onto the cold leaves I front of it. It wasn't Russel. It was one of them. I lifted my head quickly as the zombie made an attempt to grab me. I scrambled up and shoved it to the ground. I began sprinting back to the deer the sun now rapidly setting. While I was gone at least 5 of the zombies had gathered around the deer.
"NOO!" I yelled.
They looked at me in awe but began taking it with them. One of them let out a howl to call the others. Almost immediately 6 infected humans apeared in the corner of my eye. I made a choice one that saved my life. I booked it leaving my hunt behind along with the deer and stabbed my Katana into the Sturdiest tree I could find as I scrambled up to the tallest branch. I grabbed onto it with dear life and proceeded to grab my communicator
"Bloody hell where are you luv?! We've been worried sick we sen' out 2D to check all the huntin' shits and, and russ and I out checkin' the territory! "

"I really need your help Im los-"

"YOU'RE LOST?!? " there was clear fear and anger mixed into his tone "HOW DE HELL COULD YOU HAVE GOTTEN LOST YOURE THE SMARTEST ONE 'ERE-"
I listened to him rant for about 1 minute before I decided to cut it short and tell him I think I was somewhere near the 6th shortcut. I heard him mumble a string of almost incoherent curses before yelling at Russ to call "face ache" to where I was before the call was cut. I put my walkie talkie back into my bag and tied it on a branch. The group of zombies we're heading my way but they still didn't know where I was. I held my breath in hopes they would run past me and just ignore this tree. They came even closer and my heart began pounding so hard I thought they would hear it. Beads of sweat formed at my fore head and I curled into a ball in hopes of becoming less of a target. They inched closed and closer when all or a sudden Murdocs voice boomed through the speaker
"Which short cut did you say it was? "
I froze and they all looked up at me smultaneously. The one in front immediately took action and began sprinting and trying its way onto the tree. I let out a string of profanities as I threw on my bag and took out my katana before shoving it back into the parcel. There where too many, my only hope now was running away. In the distance a group of 3 men were seen with flash lights and weapons heading the opposite way of noodle.


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