Fight or Die

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yey some more action + gore! i love writing this kinda stuff :D also apparently Noodle is the main character for now and next chapter will be sometime next week. I know I promised two chapters but heres one really long one instead lol. have a good day lads (^-^ )

Noodle awoke once again to the cold walls of her prison, except Russel who was standing near the door with a gun. It had been a week living in these conditions and she was close to insanity. She opened her mouth to speak but was quickly shushed by the sound of her door creaking open, revealing a blinding light as well as three figures. They marched down the stairs rhythmically and stopped at the bottom, gazing at Noodle before Paula spoke. 

¨Good morning you shit, today is a pretty special day because from now on, you serve me¨ She looked down at Noodle who furrowed her brow.

¨hell no theres no way im going to eve-¨ she was quickly cut off by an item being shoved in her face. It was her walkie talkie, sounds of static radiated from it along with a voice she could barely recognize as Murdocs. It sounded distant yet almost right next to her, She listened carefully and heard him repeatedly trying to get a response from the device. For a couple minutes the room was filled with the sounds emitting from the small box and Russel looked over slightly and gazed at the machine. Paula seemed satisfied with her response and went on,

¨Your fellow Murdoc has something very important that belongs to m e¨ she clenched her fists  for a second before continuing, ¨ besides you being a brat... you can be very useful and you betta' believe were going to use that ta our advantage. Well, either you cooperate and kill what ever i want you to or... your sweet, sweet band mates can rot in a ditch¨ she finished with a smirk. Russel averted his eyes and took slow ragged breath. Some of the mud had started to flake away and reveal his skin underneath. Noodle looked up from the floor and met Paula's eyes which stared down in almost a pitying way. 

¨you have until this afternoon to decide¨ and with that she spun around and left while the other two left a can of stale tuna and some water. They tossed a key to Russ for the chains which would allow her to eat. They slammed the door behind them and Russel walked over to Noodle which sat cross legged on the floor not saying a word. He knelt down and until the restraints, almost immediately she scrambled for the water feeling the could liquid meet her lips and slide down her throat before setting on the tuna. Half way in she noticed Russel staring blankly and offered some to him which he took gratefully, the apocalypse still had not deterred his love of food, even if it was just some stale, canned tuna. He finished and sat on the floor across from Noodle, wondering what was going through her mind. She picked up her wrists  studying the marks the chains left on her skin as well as some bruises. Her body ached from nights of sleeping on a hard floor with only a mediocre pillow. Finally she looked up at Russel who was drinking some of the water. She opened her mouth and spoke quietly,

¨ill fight if thats what I have to do.¨  

Russel set down the water and shook his head,¨ no you wont, it'll be a miracle if Paula even gets close to those boneheads... if you fight thats like trustin em.¨  Russel spoke the truth, but she didn't want them to get hurt just because of her. She contemplated the possibilities before coming to her conclusion. Russel finished and trudged over to noodle before chaining her up once again, less tighter than before. He walked over to the stairs and they found ways to spend the next hours  which passed agonizingly slow. 


As promised Paula showed up at noon and wore some keys which glistened in the light. She kneeled in front of Noodle who refused to look at her, ¨Well? I'm waiting¨  Paula spoke coldly, waiting for a response from the small girl before her. A small mutter escaped Noodles lips

¨i-ill do it¨ 

Paula seemed contented by this, ¨good  choice..¨ she took the keys out of her pocket and unchained Noodle except for her hands which stayed behind her back as she slowly stood up and was half dragged up the stairs by Paula, leaving Russel behind who stared up at her shaking his head in disapproval. She was instantly blinded by the sun and senses that immediately greeted her as she stumbled outside. A cold wind blew by carrying a slight smell of wood burning. She looked around as she passed rows of small huts, camps, fires and more, zombies stared at her as she walked by with Paula leading her. She was taken to a much nicer cabin in the middle of the disaster  where Paula sat down and finally talked to Noodle normally.  She instructed her on what she was to do before she was to be trusted with weapons. And Noodle was quiet, listening to Paula's every horrible word before she finished, handed her some new clothes and muttered something about Noodles leg healing. Paula left for about five minutes and Noodle didn't leave, she sat in the chair and looked down.

Paula returned with a bottle of painkillers, she chained Noodles hands which let her take the pain killers and put the black long sleeve on and the other items. They smelled surprisingly like nothing. She swallowed the pills and in ten minutes her leg was numb and she was able to walk again, leg by Paula. This time she took her to a different part of the fort, here the dead seemed to be fighting each other. Blood stained the dirt floor a dark red. They stopped in the presence of Noodle and Paula barked out orders to some of them who moved into some kind of dome made out of pipes. Noodle was shoved inside and handed a katana, a small knife and a bat. 

¨its simple, show me what you got¨ Paula stepped out and watched as Noodle picked up the katana and gave a small nod. Instantly 6 slightly frail zombies charged at her, their jaws opening  to reveal rows of rotten teeth and flesh stuck between them. Their white eyes gazed at Noodle in an eerie way wanting nothing more than the taste of fresh blood. The grip on her katana tightened as she shoved it inside of the closest one, Its intestines spilled out before she yanked the blade out and shove it through the beings forehead making its mouth drop open and blood ran through its face as it met the ground with a thud. The next five met the same fate. Her face and new clothes were stained with splashes of the crimson color decorating it in a form of twisted art. Paula watched from the side, amazed at what Noodle could do even when granted not the best materials. Noodle stopped when the last one fell to the ground, she looked over to Paula, emotionless.  

¨is this what you wanted?¨ Noodle spoke coldly piercing into Paula's soul, daring her. 

¨excellent¨ Paula answered, slightly taken back by Noodles question.  ¨the next few wont be as easy for you¨ she but down he katana and grabbed the bat, testing its quality before the ¨next few¨ came in. She felt tired, heavy, but something inside her wanted to keep going, killing. A groan was heard from behind her and she sup around quickly to reveal 2 taller zombies, much newer, their faces hadn't decayed as much. They ran simultaneously, much more energy in their eyes than he last ones, their eyes were a sickly yellow and much more full of blood lust. The first one reached her and slammed its body into hers, almost knocking her down. She pushed back against it and swung the bat into its rib as the second one gripped her arm, taking her by surprise. She let go of the bat and punched the second one in the jaw with a sickening crunch as it dislocated and separated from its face. The third bit her boot and tried to tear through the fabric. She was now on the ground with the third on her leg, here she was able of grab the bat once again and bring it down on its skull relieving the pressure and allowing her to get up just in time to dodge the first one from lunging at her once again. She landed a great blow to its neck effectively breaking it, the second was killed with ease. 

She had been left gasping for air and panting as she threw the bloody bat on the ground and looked up at Paula with a light sweat starting to form on her forehead. The sun was starting to set on a cold day and she finally decided it was enough. Noodle was chained up again by her hands and taken to the shed once again where she met Russel who stared at her like she was a completely different person.


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