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Noodles vision was foggy for the next hour or so after being half dragged through the forest by a bunch of brutes. Every so often she would let out a small grunt of pain from her leg being hit on something but the majority of the trip she was silent, not wanting to let them have the satisfaction of hearing her in pain. Noodle focused on other things, she wondered what the others were doing. Were they looking for her? Maybe they had already given up and gone home. No they wouldn't! They cared about me.....right?  Her thoughts shifted onto her past with them going over each fond memory, remembering everything they had ever done for her. 

¨A-ah!¨ One of the zombies grazed its hand on her leg, inspecting the wound. Noodle gritted her teeth wondering if this was what 2D went through when he saved her from near death.

                                                                                      .Flash Back.

¨Over 'ere Noods!¨ he led her to a street lined with shops in the middle of the city. Supposedly the blue haired man claimed he had seen a store packed with food and needed help bringing it back to the camp. He was great at keeping hopes up in these desperate times and finding food to keep them alive when fresh meat was scarce. Noodle followed the tall man into a store that was locked with a metal cover over the windows and door. She looked around for a possible way to open it until she found a small crack separating it from the concrete floor.

¨ I found an opening! I need your help to open it though." 2D happily walked over and shoved his hands underneath following Noodles. Together under much strain, they opened the store revealing colorful packaging and canned items. Noodle jammed the door open with a branch and they immediately rushed in and shoved rows of goods into their bags like excited children. The sounds of cans clacking together drowned out many of the other noises growing from the backroom of the shop. Noodle stopped, lifted her head up like a deer searching for danger. 2D kept going completely oblivious to his surroundings, he moved onto another isle, one filled with bottled water and other necessities. Noodle slung the bag once again over her shoulder and slowly approached the back door which was slightly shaking. Once she reached it she grabbed a broom and steadily started to slide it over the handle, making sure that what ever was behind it stayed there.

¨Noodle?....wus wrong?" 2D asked. She looked over her shoulder and raised a finger to her lips, signalling him to be silent. He lifted his backpack from the cold floor cautiously placing it on his back ready to flee if anything went wrong. The door continued to rattle and Noodle stepped back, over the fallen rack of candy and next to 2D who looked around the store to see if there was anything else they needed before leaving for good. The rattling grew into a loud banging, what ever was in there really wanted to get out. 2D ignored the banging and continued to look around the store until he spotted a pack of lighters. Murdoc had been nagging him about them for weeks this was his chance to get them. He gestured to Noodle who in return gave him a worried glance. He carefully started his descent to the back of the store with Noodle close behind him. She noticed that he didn't have a gun with him only 3 grenades, she wondered if he knew what he was doing. When they reached the back of the store the banging was even louder and continuous. He jumped up to the shelf but couldn't reach it despite his enormous stature. He tried again and failed. 

¨2D forget the lighters! we have to go now!¨ she begged. As if on cue the broom split in half and about 17 rotten beings tumbled out. 2D jumped again, this time he reached them and hurriedly shoved them in his pockets. The mutants got up slowly but effectively their eyes locking on the blue haired man who in return stared back. 

¨what are you doing! we have to go back!¨ she yanked at his arm snapping him from his trance and got him moving. The zombies where rushing at them knocking everything in their path just to get to the two survivors. They ran jumping over fallen carts and racks of items. They were so close to the exit when it started shutting, the branch Noodle jammed into it had already broken and it was starting to close under its own weight. The dead were even closer now grabbing at anything they could as they tried to get closer to them. He shoved Noodle sending her sliding underneath the door into the outside street. She heard the faintest click as she saw 2D slide out quickly followed by an explosion. Noodle covered her head but that wouldn't stop the ringing in her ears. He had used the grenade. The last thing she remembered is seeing 2D curled on the floor clutching his leg as it gushed crimson red. 

                                                                            .End of Flash Back.

Noodle awoke to a splitting headache and she opened her eyes to see darkness. She blinked a couple of times and tried to move only to realize that she was tied to something. She looked up and saw a light, it took a while for her eyes to adjust but it was a window. Noodle shifted her leg which didn't hurt as much, she glanced down to see it was bandaged and a note taped to it. She tilted her head to read it, 

                           your awake. you have been tied up in a cellar to keep you from escaping. We have gone through your bag and found your communicator, there is no way you can reach your precious ¨band¨ . One of my stupid subjects found that your leg was broken so he bandaged it.  Ill be back soon with enough food to keep you alive and water. Hopefully you (wont)die <3. 

                                                                                                                                           - Paula Cracker

Noodle scoffed at the note and looked around. She moved her hands around feeling the rope that kept her in place, she felt at her wrists for the hidden blade that she kept until she found it. a small glimmer of hope erupted from her soul as she took it out and skillfully started to gnaw at the rope effectively. She was half way done when she heard foot steps coming from above and the heavy metal door creak open.

hope you enjoy! the next chapter will be about Russel, Murdoc an 2D! special thanks to bob_dog 12 for the idea with 2D!

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