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She sat on edge of the vent for a little while, catching her breath from the climb and continued taking in her surroundings as well as collecting her thoughts.  Her eyes narrowed at the sight of the zombies working relentlessly on buildings and other structures.  Her attention was broken when a piercing pain erupted  from her leg, not as bad as before though. She looked down, observing the height of the wall she was perched on, a steep climb, and a dangerous fall. She swung her legs from the edge and onto the stone carefully as she began to descend. Noodle gripped the side as pieces of rubble fell down beside her, landing on the hard dirt ground startling her slightly. She pushed her foot on a piece of rock that was slicking out and tested it for stability before shifting her weight onto it and sliding down further. She was almost on the floor before a loud voice was heard on the other side of the thick barrier.

¨Guards! Everyone to the North East Entrance immediately! Our Prisoner Has escaped!¨ Paula sharp voice commanded. Noodle stiffened as the sound of heavy footsteps shook the ground. Panic got the best of her causing her to jump down and fall onto her bad leg. She screamed through clenched teeth and got up scrambling for balance among the surrounding trees and branches. The first one approached and it made a grab for her closing its bloody hand on the collar of her jacket, its rotten face next to hers before she punched it in the face. Her fist sinking into the rotten, overworked flesh, staining her hand a deep brown blood color. It fell to the ground with a groan before she dug our her blade and shoved it through its skull, effectively killing it for the last time. Five more approached, not even fazed by the death of one of their own. They dashed directly for Noodle Grabbing at what ever was closest as she tried to gain stability on both feet. Instinct took over and she knocked the first one down with an upper cut and shoved its body onto the next making it fall as well. Arming herself with a branch she gripped the wood tightly and swung it directly hitting the third in the head with a sickening crunch. The forth stood behind the much larger fifth which charged immediately at Noodle teeth bared, saliva pouring out of its disgusting mouth. It opened its mouth before closing in on the branch that Noodle was wielding, much like a savage dog. It ripped at the wood eating away at splinters and Noodle pushed back against its head angrily. Eventually she leaned her wight against a tree and kicked the creature in the stomach throwing it to the floor before she stabbed it in the head ending the chaos. 

 By now about 30 had approached standing still before another body broke through the mass. Paula stood there, somewhat impressed by her actions.

¨ i didn't know you 'ad that in you, I know you're an angry little thing but this? you killed my best fighter.¨ she looked down in dismay before glancing up once again at Noodle, her piercing green eyes meeting Noodles before lifting a finger and pointing toward her, ¨you'll be a good replacement¨ she let out a laugh before 3 zombies sprang up behind her holding her down and dragging her back to the camp where she was met once again with the desolate room, this time the vents blocked as well as the window. She was chained up and searched where they found her mini blades and was finally left alone with a large zombie in the room with her to watch. The sun was setting leaving the sky a beautiful orange making her miss her friends even more. The sounds of zombies walking around progressively dialed down and she was met with silence.  The bigger body shifted a bit before slowly walking toward Noodle scaring her slightly. She tensed up a big as it kneeled next her 

¨dont be scared... its just me¨ the familiar husky voice entered her ears as she realized it was Russel. 

¨Russel! how did you get in here? and why?¨"she rushed to hug him finding comfort once again. she pulled back and looked into his white eyes before he explained her how he got in and about Murdoc and 2D. They talked in hushed voices for a while before sleep got the best of Noodle and she rested for a while. Russel stood up and headed to the door before keeping watch for Paula.


¨Fuckin 'ell" Murdoc let out grunt before heading back into the shelter after looking for 2D for the past hour. He was going to head out again but need to get a couple more items before he did so. As much as he acted cold toward his band mates theres nothing he wouldn't do for them. Murdoc threw a thick jacket over his shoulders and grabbed a backpack filled with essentials along with extra batteries for the walkie talkie. He headed out being rather quiet with his steps as to not alert any zombies in the area. Armed with a revolver he kept walking without fear Cortez still perched on his shoulder tucked under his heavy jacket, protected from the cold wind that blew by every couple minutes. 


After walking for a solid hour and coming across four dead he began to get tired  but not letting it get the best of him. He began to contemplate setting up for the night when a nearby bush shook slightly. Murdoc immediately aimed, ready to shoot before a scared 2D slowly stepped out. He was shivering and his hood was ripped. 

¨d..dont shh oot¨ he stuttered, teeth chattering as he stood up.  Murdoc put his gun away before approaching 2D without saying a word. He flinched, ready for the impact of Murdocs slap that never came. Instead Murdoc was checking 2D for any injuries and handed him a blanket that he had in his backpack. 2D took it and whispered a thank you . 

¨Dont you ever do something stupid like that, idiot¨ Murdoc walked past 2D signalling for him to follow and they walked on.


ayyyyyyy finished another chapter phew... Hope you all enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. Next on comes out Wednesday :D

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