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¨Russel! you have to leave now please... its Paula!¨ Noodle whispered back to Russel in an urged tone. He had found her and now he is at risk of being captured too, even though she was greatly relived she wasn't completely alone anymore.

¨no way im leavin' you here.. ill find a way to get you out¨ he reassured her as she inched closer to the window, as much as the ropes would let her. Without another word he began examining and pulling at the bars but to no avail, he would have to find another way in.

¨ill be back, in the mean time you eat an-¨"he paused looking at Noodle one last time, noticing her black eye, messy hair and bandaged leg,¨ what happen' to your leg?¨

¨its... a long story, be careful Russel.¨ she replied looking down as he got up and walked away. Noodle sighed and picked at the food presented in front of her as well as drinking the mediocre water from the bucket. Once she finished she set on the ropes once again, pulling the blade out and gnawing at the restraints, this time she actually cut through all of them, leaving her hands free to move around and explore the room. She tried walking, gripping onto the wall for support as she got up. Noodle finally pushed off the wall, stumbling a bit, before maintaining balance and limped toward the window observing the crisp fall leaves passing by as her mind wandered. The bare room was dark, but not completely, the little bit of light that came from the window and door made it possible to see the contents. A blanket as well as a small pillow were thrown in the corner, with several empty shelves, a bundle of chains, a chair and what noodle only hoped was a bucket of red paint next to a blue one and some brushes. A bare room

The bars on the window weren't too close together but they weren't so far apart either, her chances of escaping through there where very low despite her thin frame. She looked away from the window determined to find another way and just like that she found one, a vent. She could fit almost perfectly inside it although she didn't know where it led to. The vent was located on top of the shelves on the opposite wall of the window, she placed a hand on the shelves, testing for stability before grabbing the chair and placing it in front of the window to throw them off. Looking down at her leg, wondering if she should or not a loud bang erupted from above along with Paula yelling obscenities at the dead.

now or never she decided before climbing up the wooden shelves and opening the vent before climbing inside, feeling the cool metal against her hands.


2D trailed behind Murdoc as he headed back to the cabin. They had no idea where Russel had went, Murdoc had yelled at 2D for it claiming that it was his fault for the disappearance of their past drummer. Once they reached the shelter he immediately ran to the weapons room gathering supplies to set out again, leaving 2D alone in the kitchen. He had tried contacting Russ about 6 times with no response from him, maybe he left to search on his own? or maybe he was de- 2D shook his head clearing the awful thought from his mind. Guns falling and curses were heard from the other room while Murdoc rummaged through piles of garbage and boxes looking for something. 2D was growing impatient along with angered over Murdocs earlier remarks, he let out a sigh and went to the pantry. He turned on the light and grabbed several cans of food and some water bottles before switching the light off and leaving to the next room which happened to be his. 2D stumbled in tripping over scattered cans of pills and energy bar wrappers. He headed right to the shelf over the barricaded window which head some knives and spare grenades, giving one last look for any essentials he shut the door. Murdoc was still heard in the room quietly ranting to himself and lighting a cigarette, 2D made a mental note to scavenge more if he could next time he went to the deserted town. Finally, he was going to set out on his own and try to find Noodle and Russel, he was loosing time. 

Opening the front door as quietly as possible he set out, fresh fall air entering his lungs and he ran south in hopes of finding anything to lead him forward. This wasn't ideal for him, being skittish and all but he couldn't just stand around and follow Murdoc forever, this was his chance to be even more helpful. He breathed hard against his mouth guard as he ran through the crunchy orange leaves, determined to find them and be a group again. 

Back at the cabin Murdoc was taking a break, walking all night in the cold rain looking for Noodle and now with Russel missing, its all he really needed. He blew out puff of smoke and leaned back against the wall, setting his spiked bat down beside him. He opened a window to let some air in when he saw a black raven overhead, he whistled grabbing its attention as it flew down. It was none other than Cortez, the majestic creature perched on Murdocs arm before pecking at his hair. Murdoc let out a chuckle before stomping his cigarette down and picking up the bat with his left hand. The bird shifted onto his shoulder as Murdoc left the weapon room and went into the hallway, calling out to 2D

¨Oi, faceache! Get your arse down her and lets go!¨ Murdoc barked but no reply came, ¨2D!¨ again nothing, ¨2D?¨ he called a bit softer before searching the house only to find nothing. 2D had left without telling him. ¨DAMN IT¨ he yelled, startling Cortez causing him to flap his wings in surprise. Bloody hell- ill kill him if those rotten things dont get to him first  he thought. The blue haired man was the only thing he had left, leaving him by himself and with a bird. With an aggravated sigh of protest he reached for a small bottle of vodka and chugged it down before hesitantly leaving the silent house and out into the cold world.

yay another part finished! OOOOOO next part thursday?? just assume yes :D

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