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that's the only thing that Russel could think. He had been walking for hours West searching and searching for Noodle, his only hope was that she was okay and that the others wouldn't worry so much. He hadn't run into any dead  surprisingly and the ran had stopped making him a bit more comfortable in the cold woods. Russel recognized some of the markers but hadn't come across anything particularly significant apart from a few torn branches guiding him further. In the middle of his thoughts a horrible smell hit his nose like a train, rot. Fearing the worst he ran in the direction of the scent without further thought, with each step his fright grew more and more. Soon enough he reached it, much do his delight it wasn't a human body but rather one of a deer. 

       Flies crowded the corpse eating away at the gashes in its throat which Russel knew was none other than the ever familiar katana which Noodle occupied. Raising a hand to his nose to keep him from vomiting he examined the body, she would never let potential food go to waste it must have been for a good reason if she abandoned it. Alarm growing he looked around, rising from the ground to look for more signs, he examined the surrounding trees until he came across one with a messy indent in the trunk and what he could only hope was muddy hand prints along it. With each second Russel came closer to a conclusion,  Noodle was chased, climbed a tree to escape and fell. He could only imagine was happened to her after that never the less, he set off in a new direction, following the disturbed trees and leaves for a while.

        It wasn't long until he reached a tall stone wall with barbed wire messily wrapped around it. Russel approached cautiously ducking behind a bush to avoid detection,  he observed the graffiti displayed reading, leave or die and threatening messages of the sort. A gasp erupted from his throat when his hand grazed something soft, he yanked his hand back in surprise before realizing it was a piece of dark grey fabric particularly, the of the same type Noodle was wearing. She was here, she had to be , a rush of relief ran through him and he set out from the bush to find a way in. 

About twenty minutes passed and he had found absolutely no entrances to the fort, a few rotten corpses here to serve as a warning but nothing too alarming about the place. He wished he had brought something a bit better to blend in with the forest, as now he only wore a faded yellow tee, a backpack and only equipped a short drain pipe as his makeshift weapon Russel hoped it would be enough to potentially get Noodle back. Eventually he found a small ditch in the earth next to the wall, it appeared to be a drain with some vents of some sort. Gathering enough courage, he carefully approached the entrance and took a closer look. Russel ducked down only to be met with silence and darkness, he blinked, adjusting his eyes a bit more to reveal a thin frame shaking slightly and some chains. He looked up from the opening in the wall to make sure he was alone before ever so quietly whispering,

¨....noodle?....¨ the figure shifted slightly but gave no other response. Almost instantly Russel heard heavy footsteps coming from inside the fort and he retreated from the opening, gluing his back to the wall. The door from the room opened with a loud creak and the footsteps continued down the stairs before stopping at the bottom. 

¨finally you're awake! I thought they actually killed you back there.....be a shame since we're going to need you alive for you to be useful¨ A British accent spoke out coldly before a bucket of liquid dropped to the ground along with something that sounded like a paper plate. 

¨yeah and i also read your little note, by the way its you're* like this, you're going to regret everything when I get out of here¨ the familiar voice rang out in the most aggressive tone Russel ever imagined she could muster. It was her! now all he had to do was find a way to get her out,

¨Shut up! as if I need spelling lessons from an idiot like you. You also shouldn't be talking like that to the one thats keeping you fed, otherwise I might break your other stupid leg. Now eat and dont get any ideas while im gone¨. With that the sound of footsteps hurrying up was heard as Paula left the sad basement holding Noodle. He waited until she was gone before looking down into the cage again, this time she was sitting up right and inspecting the bucket of water and food that was carelessly thrown on the cold stone floor. She seemed very circumspect about eating, fearing that it might have something harmful. Russel called out again, this time a bit louder, catching her attention,


hey guys! sorry for the short chapter ive been kinda busy with school stuff :/ Next chapter comes out Saturday!

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