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Russel crept around the side of the fort,  checking for possible entrances.  He had found one a few meters back but it was guarded and he almost got caught himself. Russel was starting to grow impatient he had been wandering around for about an hour now and was contemplating retiring back to the small window and trying to break in when he heard footsteps approaching.  in panic he slathered mud on his face in hopes of looking like one of the dead,  not the best plan but it was something.  the footsteps came closer and Russel turned around slowly to reveal 3 gory faces looking directly at him.  He stood still as one approached him, it's droopy eyes looking at his face with no expression taking in a ragged breath and slowly circling him.  The other two watched,  he noticed they were wearing  collars with a small tag that read,  "belongs to Paula" messily etched on.  A shiver ran down his spine as the zombie poked him with a stick roughly,  it was skeptical,  hopefully he wouldn't notice.  In a swift movement the creature snatched Russel's shirt,  pulling him forward,  he panicked straining against its grip then the other two got the message and circled him edging him onward. His white eyes widened as he was pushed along by three foul smelling zombies to a big wooden door that he assumed was the main entrance to the fort.  

                             The doors opened to reveal small shed-like houses and fire pits  with piles of garbage and zombies walking around, some carrying weapons and papers. They pushed him in and immediately the rhythm of work stopped. They looked at him with their sunken eyes, taking in every detail as blood and drool spilled from their gaping mouths. One approached him, studying him as if searching for something, Russel stood still. Afraid of what will happen if he made a wrong move. It grabbed a hatchet, swinging it around, Russel closed his eyes, would this be it? his final moments in the middle of a zombie  camp surrounded by garbag- his thoughts were interrupted as the hatchet was placed in his hands along with a few other knives and some sticks. He opened his eyes to see that they started moving again, convinced that he was one of them, a sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he was pushed toward a section of the camp that had some people working on building the walls of the fort higher and Paula was no where to be seen. He left the items on the floor carefully before taking in his surroundings, utter chaos to put it lightly. Zombies where seen wandering randomly while others sniffed around and ate the ground, seems like Paula put it all together somehow. He set toward the sheds on the sides of the walls in which he assumed was the way to Noodle.

"Hey you! where da ya think you're goin?" Paula's harsh voice broke through and Russel froze caught in his tracks before turning around slowly and letting out a groan. She quickly walked over to him without fear and examined him,

"I dont think ive seen you around 'ere before. Where ya going?" she asked clearly aggravated  with his presence. He slowly looked behind him and glanced back into her cold eyes. Without any further thought she gave a nod and went to go order around some other dead, why they all listened to her was beyond him.  He quickly started out once again in search for their band mate. 


Noodle gave a grunt as she pulled herself through the cold vent roughly, her leg was not doing well as it was being dragged behind her feeling every agonizing bump.  She was disoriented and loosing hope, she had heard some rustling a while back but nothing in particular. Noodle kept going until the vent lead upward onto a dead end, with much effort she turned on her back and looked up, nothing. Just more entrances to more vents, she let out a grunt of frustration and sat up. She fought back tears as she thought about all that had happened to her. Her failed hunt, wandering off, Paula and now she was stuck in a stupid vent all by herself. Tears formed at the edge of her eyes as they piled up and slid down her face before she buried her face in her hands and leaded against the side of the metal vent. She let out a sniffle before looking up again, wiping her eyes on her sleeve she tried to stand up  and climb up using the ridges for extra support. 

                        The closer she got the more noise she heard giving her the energy she needed to continue.  When she finally reached the top she gasped as the cool November air greeted her lungs once again  before resting on the edge of the opening. She looked out on the scene in front of her, she appeared to be on top of a wall of some sort with a crowd of zombies a few yards out working on it. She was out, she was free.

Hey erryoneee. Apologies for the short chapter ive been suuuppperr busy this week with a ton of school work next chapter comes out on Saturday bebs. if you have any suggestions for the story please feel free to comment them! thenk you!!

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