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Noodle was a blur of black and purple hair as she moved ever so swiftly along the branches. Every move had to be precise or she would fall. Her heavy breathing drowned out the noises the undead were making. Not once did she look down, afraid that she would see something she wouldnt like. Noodle kept going she didnt know where exactly but anything would be better than getting eaten alive by those...those things. To Noodles disadvantage, it had started raining, a light drizzle at first but that soon became enhanced once the cold wind and the pitch black of the night was added. The branches became slippery and harder to find balance on. She tried to keep focus but everything started to get to her.

What if i never find them? Is this the end for me?

Drowned in thoughts led her to make the wrong choice and grab the wrong branch sending her tumbling to the ground. She hit the cold, wet, leaf covered floor with a scream and a thud. Pure pain erupted from her left leg but she was overwhelmed at the fall that had knocked all the breath out of her. She lay there while her brain screamed Run! Hide! Do something theyre coming! And her body wouldnt listen. It wasnt long until foot steps were heard inching closer and closer to where she lay. Noodle lifted her head just a bit to separate from the cold leaves that clung to it only to see them standing there. Every instinct told her to move and run but she couldnt. A sharp pain in her leg kept her from going anywhere . She dare not look down at it, that would make it worse. The pain felt like a strong flame, eating away at her knee. It took all of the strength and sheer will power to even begin getting up; everything else wasnt important right now, only getting up. She began slowly, proping herself up on one hand then the next until she was in a push up position. A foot connected with her head pushing her back down aggresively.

"Well what do we have here? The adopted joke of a guitarist?"

Noodle recognised that voice. It was none other than Paula,somehow she survived this ordeal and leading a pack of savages. Murdoc used to mention her a ton just to anger 2D but now, stress really caved in on the old man that left no time for him to just joke around with them anymore. Noodle contemplated attacking Paula but seeing the condition her leg was in left with very little hope of success.

"Knock her out boys. Where not killing her...yet"

Noodle stiffened before she was casted unconcious by a dull rock.

"Shes got to be around here."

"Muhdoc we've been looking for an hour already maybe shes the other way?"

"What was that faceache? You think youre a better leader than I am? Why dont you come up here and prove it!"

"That not what I said you old green sod!"

It took almost nothing for Murdoc and 2D to get at eachothers throats. Russel had to come in a break it up before they got too violent. Noodle being gone made everyone on edge, not only was she a great hunter but she was one of them, they had grown up together, many fond memories were created while she was around. They kept going, although their pace had slowed greatly due to the rain, leaving them almost lost too. Russel trailed behind looking down just, following and looking around for signs. He thought he heard a scream a couple minutes ago but he brushed it off as his mind playing tricks on him. With every step foward he wanted to go the other way, the growing feeling wouldnt stop. Russel wanted to tell Murdoc but he'd probably just get ignored or have him yelling. He stopped,deciding it was enough, gave one last look at 2D and Murdoc before going on his own. He knew this wasnt the most rational thing to do but he couldnt risk Noodle being dead just because of a stupid mistake. He put his hood on and shoved his hands in his pockets feeling the walkie talkie. He hoped they would be alright without him.

Seven hundred and seven words...oof hope you guys are happy!!

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