Something that we're not

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Demi's POV--

"Nick, baby, babe, Nicholas." I say annoyed while sitting on his chest trying to wake him up

He groans and rolls over causing me to fall off the bed. I guess he wants to do this the hard way, I walk into the bathroom and get a cup of ice cold water and dump it onto his head which immediately wakes him up.

"What the hell?" he asks in a sleepy tone while sitting up and rubbing his eyes

"You wouldn't get up." I say giggling

"You're in for it Lovato." he says jumping out of the covers and tackling me down on the ground

"Nick, stop!" I scream kicking my legs and attempting to move my arms but he's holding them too tightly

He picks me up and tosses me on the soaked sheets while tickling me all over.

"Nick, really I'm going to pee!" I yell hoping that would get him off of me

He backs up instantly and holds his hands up surrendering which gives me the opportunity to attack him back.

"Babe stop!" he says trying to push me off of him

"No, this is pay back!" I say shoving him against the wall

He eventually manages to pin my arms down by my side.

"So, now please explain to me why you woke me up so damn early." he asks out of breath

"Because it's now 10:45 and we have appointment at 12:15." I say checking my watch

"Shower with me?" he asks pressing his body onto mine

"It does save water."


"Mr. and Mrs. Jonas?" calls a nurse from a desk at the front

Nick grabs my hand and leads me to the desk

"Hi, thats us." he says smiling

"Yes, hello Dr.Williams is ready for you in room twenty, its on the left you can't miss it." she says smiling back

Nick and I walk down the long hallway, I grow more nervous with every step. I really want a girl but honestly I just hope our baby is healthy. Once Nick and I make it to the room he opens the door for me and we sit down and wait for nurse. After a few minutes, the nurse that we talked to earlier comes in with a folder.

"Hi I'm kate, I'm going to get your information really quickly and I'll be on my way." she says smiling and holding out a hand for me and Nick to shake.

She leads me to a scale out side the door and weighs me, then brings me back to the room for simple questions and she's gone within ten minutes.

"I'm nervous." says Nick playing with my fingers

"I can tell." I giggle reaching over and putting my hand on his leg to keep it from shaking

"Sorry." he mutters and I just giggle

Nicks POV--

Demi and I have been waiting for this doctor for around fifteen minutes and I just grow more and. more anxious. I glance over at Demi right as the door opens.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Dr.Williams, and from what I understand I'll be your do for from now on?" he asks holding out his hand

Demi shakes it first as she replies

"Well, yes I'll be on tour for the next month in another country but once we are back you will be." she says standing up I stand up too and shake his hand

"Well, this is the fun part." he says chuckling and gesturing for Demi to lay on the hospital chair

Demi and I both laugh nervously as she lays down and stand behind her head and hold her hand while playing with her soft hair. Dr.Williams sets a big machine up and gets Demi ready, before he asks us if we would like to eat the heart beat. I squeeze Demi's hand tighter as we both nod, and soon the whole room is filled with the light beating of our baby's heart.


so that was this chapter :)

Next update - Friday

Early update - Two comments five votes

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