let it go

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Demi's POV-

The night was restless due to how anxious Nick and I were, not to mention the fact that I was in pain all over and so was he. The nurses coming in every hour to check my vitals and update us on the status I our babies in the NICU wing didn't help much either. Nick and I asked for them not to tell us the sexes until we see them for the first time and we are both super excited. The time that we were awake was spent dwelling on names we came up with three boy name as well as three girl names. We decide to use some different names other than the ones we released to the public for another small surprise.

Maria came in around eight in the morning with Jackson in tote and my heart immediately melted at the sight of my sleeping baby. He was swaddled in the same blue blanket as yesterday and had his tiny fingers curled into a small fist.

"Nick, baby." I say leaning over to the chair next to my bed and tapping him on the shoulder to wake him up "Jackson's here." I say and his eyes shoot open

"Where?" asks nicks groggy voice as he stretches lightly and pecks me softly on the lips making me giggle

"Morning, how did you guys sleep?" asks Maria rolling Jackson's hospital crib next to me and Nick

I snort before responding "Not too well, three of my babies are in the NICU being stabilized," I respond bitterly arranging Jack on my left side so Nick can see him too "Not to mention the fact I haven't seen half my family, I'm in a world of pain, and all I have had in the past twenty-four hours is Chinese food."

The room grows quiet before Nick speaks "I didn't sleep too well either."


Nicks POV-

Demi nor I slept very well last night, I got a text around eleven last night from Diana saying she, Maddie, and Eddie landed safely and will be in to see us all as soon as visiting hours come at nine in the morning; so they should be her in about five minutes. Dallas came in also and dropped off our hospital bag and extra baby clothes that Ellie, her five month old, had grown out of. Marissa and my brothers have yet to see us either due to Dr.Williams only wanting so many people in the room at one time and as soon as they were coming to see us visiting hours ended so they should be coming soon too.

"Will you hand me the light blue stripped onesie with 'Jackson' on the left corner monogramed into it?" Asks Demi stripping our son into just his diaper as I rummage trough our hospital bag handing her what she asks for

"I'm going to go, I'll be back around nine-thirty to check up on things." says Maria walking swiftly out of the room neither Demi or I paying any attention to her

I watch as my wife carefully dresses our son and re-wraps his blanket around him and hands him to me gently

"Do you think everything's alright with our babies?" she asks propping herself up with a few stray pillows

Before I get a chance to answer A knock comes at the door and a few seconds later Dr.Williams comes in with a clipboard

"Good morning, how's parenthood?" he asks flipping through pages on his clipboard and scribbling something down

"Strange." I laugh staring at Jackson's wide chocolate eyes

"Yeah well, kids are a blessing and I'm glad you have gotten a chance to experience that. How about you Mom?" He asks nodding to Demi

"Pretty sore, ready to meet my babies."

"Well thats expected, and I'm sure they're all ready to meet you too."

"So when can we see them, the nurses say they all have stability?" I ask clarifying

"Yes, we are still keeping a watch on baby C, as you might already know. Baby C's heart has a very small hole in it, which is completely normal for babies born this premature and even babies born at full term, but with careful super vision and the right treatment, it should be no issue at all." Dr.williams finishes talking looking up from his clip board and smiling

"When can we see them?" I ask once again

"The NICU wing doesn't open up until ten in the morning, but as soon as it opens I'll make sure you are the first set of parents into the section. Sound good?"

"Sounds great, we will see you at the entrance of the wing at nine-fifty nine sharp." Demi says winking and flashing her award winning smile


hi guys okay so finally hit three comments on last chapter and almost 7k views overall thats so awesome!

next update_ three coments, five votes(:

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