recovery part five

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Nicks POV--


"Im afraid so, the brace isn't doing what we thought it would." Says the doctor looking at x-rays of my hip as I rest my head in my hands

"How severe is it?" asks Demi rubbing my back

"Pretty severe, Nicks ligaments aren't healing properly. We repaired most the damage during his first surgery but when ligaments tear completely they can't heal by themselves." explains the doctor drawing diagrams on the x-rays with an expo marker

"So why didn't the surgery work the first time?" Asks Demi raising her voice a little

"Ligaments are a tricky thing, the first one we fixed works like its brand new. The second one is what we are having trouble with. It did't heal properly so thats what we are going to work on this time."

"So when should we schedule the surgery?" I ask pulling Demi down on my uninjured leg

"Sometime in the middle of next month but you'll have to talk to the receptionist at the front desk before you leave, she also has your new prescription for a lower dose of pain killers."

"God," I sigh pulling Demi closer "Is there anyway we can make it sooner? My wife, shes due next month."

"Sorry but no, you have to be on your new medicine for at least a month or we could face severe issues," he says scanning through his clip board "

"Can we put it off?" asks Demi rubbing my hand in reassurance

"If we do that we run the possibility of the issue getting worse. Now if you have any questions you can email me, and go ahead make the surgery appointment at the front desk and I will see you in two weeks for your follow up."

"Thanks, I guess." mutters Demi helping me up and shaking the doctors hand on the way out

"Im sorry baby, that was all rough news." I say placing my hand on the small of her back and escorting her to the front desk

"Hey, we need to schedule a surgery for Dr.Sherwood." I say leaning on the desk

"Yes, he has you down for middle of next month," she says tapping away on her computer "Okay, we have three dates you can choose from and we will get you all the information over email. Sound good?" she asks nodding her head in our direction

"Yeah thats fine, what are the dates?" asks Demi eagerly

"Alright, we have the thirteenth, fifteenth, and nineteenth."

"Can we do the thirteenth?" I ask

"You go it, we will keep you in contact. I need you to sign here and here," she says pointing to piece of blank paper "Both of you." she adds and I give Demi a confusing look

"Uh why?" Demi asks taking a pen and signing her signature

"My nieces are huge fans." she says picking up a picture frame and showing us a picture of two young girls

"Thats sweet," I say and sign "What are their names?"

"Lexie and Alex."

I address my signature to the girls and we head to the car

"Im sorry today didn't go as planned." I say leaning over the consul to kiss Demi

"Its okay, we know the issue now. I just hope we get better news at this little guys appointment." she says kissing me back and pulling up her shirt as I blow a raspberry on her exposed stomach and she laughs he contagious laugh causing the baby to kick

"Baby Jackson likes your laugh too."


Demi's POV--

"Jonas family room nine, Jonas room Nine." calls a nurse on the overhead speaker

"Thats us." I say struggling to stand up and Nick just laughs

"You're getting big." says Nick

"Ha.Ha. Now get up." I say as he gets up and we make our way to room nine

"Dr.williams, nice to see you again." says Nick opening the door and shaking hands with the doctor

"You too, and nice to see you Demi. Hows our little patient doing?" he asks referring to the baby and gesturing for me to lay down on a reclining chair.

I lie down and put my hands behind my head and Nick pulls a chair up next to me and holds one of my hands

"He kicks all the damn time and uses my bladder as a squeeze toy, but other then that he doing great, can't to meet him." I say laughing slightly

"Yeah," the doctor laughs "thats what most pregnant women say. Im going to get a nurse to get the new imformation, ill see you after the exam." he says pressing a button to the side of the door

"Sounds good." I say as soon as a nurse walks into the door

"Hi, I'm Maria i'll be your nurse from now on." she says shaking mine and Nicks hand then putting on hand sanitizer and gloves


As soon as she takes all the regular precautions, I lie back down again and she puts clear gel on my stomach and starts a screen where we can see the baby

"You see that," she asks pointing to a baby on the screen "Theres are his arms and le-." she stops and a confused look crosses her face

"Whats wrong?" asks Nick starting to panic she just ignores him and buzzes the button next to the door and Dr.Williams comes in a few seconds later


So somethings happened to the baby and Nicks having surgery

Next Update - sunday

Early update - three likes, three comments

This chapter is dedicated to lovato_chick

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