Give your heart a break

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Nick, Madison, and I have been walking around all day and my feet are killing me. I have taken pictures all day and asked repeatedly to sign stuff, im not going to lie I love my fans but I just want to spend my day off with my husband and little sister. We just finished lunch when Natalie texts me.

She explains that Max is coming to meet us and is taking the four of us to 'the best' doctor in town is going to give me a check up and subscribe some medication. I text Max out location and to bring some disguises.


"Max, what is this?" asks Nick holding a fake mustache

I burst out into a fit of laughter

"You said disguises." Max assures trying not to laugh

"Put it on you whimp." says Madison slipping on a hoodie and sunglasses

"It's not fair, you guys get sunglasses and hats, I get a squirrel." Nick says sticking in below his nose and pouting which causes me to laugh even harder


"Looks like you're about 11 weeks along." the doctor says cleaning clear gel off my stomach

I look at Nick who is smiling widely and then at Madison who is smiling too and I can't help but to smile back.

"We are really that far along?" I ask sitting up and pulling my shirt back down

"Yes, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jonas." he says scribbling some stuff down on a slip of paper and handing it to me

"Whats this?" I ask referring to the paper

"A prescription for prenatal pills, and when you should schedule your next appointment."

"Thanks, since I'm three months in, why haven't I experienced any symptoms yet?"

"Even though, three months sounds like a long time, you're still really early in your pregnancy and some women don't even experience symptoms until the last few months of pregnancy, you probably didn't notice you were pregnant because you mistook spotting for your period. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes anything else that could be potentially harmful to you or the baby. I understand that you're touring but take it easy, other than that you should be fine, once again congratulations." says the doctor clarifying some things


"Thanks Detroit you guys were amazing!" I yell running off stage and into Nicks arms

it's been four weeks since we had our first appointment and tomorrow is our second one and I'm excited because we get to learn the sex of the baby. When I told my mom about me being pregnant she freaked and wanted to tell everyone right away but I told her to keep it on the down low and not to tell anyone until I come out with it publicly and she finally agreed. I'm hoping for a girl, of course but Nick, Madison, Max and my Mom are all hoping for a boy since Dallas and Rob already have two little girls. The tour has gone great so far and in starting to show symptoms, I'm surprised someone hasn't guessed that I'm pregnant already I have had to run off during two shows to puke and I have been obsessed with fruit instead of junk type foods which I found weird but it's what my body is craving so its ok. I plan on telling everyone and my Lovatics the night tour ends which is going to be exciting and hard at the same times I have been super emotional too, I mean I'm emotional anyway but When I got off stage tonight I burst out into tears sobbing about how the American leg of the tour ends in two days and the South American part starts next month. I'm just glad that it ends in LA so that Nick and I can go straight home, I have been too busy with tour to check up on the progress of the house so I don't even know what it looks like the only person that knows what it looks like is Nick. He has been so great these last few weeks of tour and helping me with everything and I couldn't be more thankful.

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