baby girls

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Nicks POV-

Demi was swooning over our other two daughters each one of her hands in the other two incubators holding our babies hands.

"They're beautiful." I say stroking my thumb and index fingers over Baby Bs cheek causing her to move softly

"I just wish I could hold them." Demi whimpers rubbing Baby C's belly lightly

"The nurse said in two weeks, when we can unhook them from their breathing machines." I lean over and peck her on the cheek


Demi's POV-

I snap about a hundred photos of my baby girls and send them to the family group message.

"Are you ready to head back doll face?" Nick asks helping me sit back down into my wheel chair

"I'm going to miss them," I say reaching my hand in to hold one of my girls hands

"I know baby, but we can see them in a few hours. It would be good for you to rest a little, eat some lunch. Plus my legs hurting and I need some medicine." Nick says as we say bye to our daughters and we head down back to our hospital room


"I'll go grab you some lunch." my mom offers kissing me on the forehead and squeezing Nick before heading out leaving me in a room with my husband and best friend, Marissa

Before any of us can say or do anything Dr.Williams walks in, I swear this man never leaves

"Good afternoon." he says taking his glasses off and shaking us all lightly on the hand "How were your daughters?" he asks smirking and pulling up a stray chair to the foot of my bed

"Wonderful, I'm so glad to have three little girls in our family." Nick says letting at a chuckle and winking

"I'm at a loss for words, they were beautiful." I add in sitting up and pressing my morphine drip

"I'm so happy for you guys." he smiles pulling out sheets from his clipboard "These are birth certificates, everything medical is already filled out all thats needed is your signatures and your babies names." He says pointing to the different lines and handing them to Nick

Nick and I agreed to names that we are really happy about, he hands me baby C and Ds birth certificates so I'm assuming he has the other two. I take off the sticky note indicating which babies certificate I have and quickly fill out the rest and sign it and then hand it to Nick to sign them and in return he gives me the other two to sign. Soon enough we have them all signed and in Dr.Williams possesion.

"Thank you thank you. Ill see you guys later." he says walking out of the room his shoes squeaking on the polished floor

"So what did you name the girls?" ask Riss tucking her phone in her pocket

"Okay, you can't tell anyone? We are telling the family tonight but for baby B we named her Davina Scott Jonas, Baby C is Ruby Conner Jonas, and baby D is Aria Devonne Jonas." I sigh leaning back and smiling


hi guys tell me if you like the names(:

Next update.five votes.two comments

oh and super thanks to the people that commented


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