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Demi's POV--

"I'm ready too." I replied back to Frankie almost immediately


"I'm hear for you, you know that right?" says Marissa over the sound of the boat motor

"I know, and I thank you everyday for it." I say swallowing a lump in my throat

"Ok. I just wanted to let you know." she says patting the cushion next to me

I don't hesitate with taking the seat next to her. She wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me into her allowing me to rest my head on her shoulder.

"Its so hard." I mutter into her shirt

"I know baby."

"No, no you don't. I'm bringing a baby into the world who's fathers in a comma, a house unfinished, and a tour supposed to be starting in three weeks." I say I'm sure barely audible and accompanied by big blubbery sobs

Marissa looks dumbfounded by my sudden outburst, but her soon confused state changes into a subtle sympathetic one and pulls me closer rocking me back and fourth while whispering softly in my ear, in attempt to keep me calm. I cling to her t-shirt and bunch it up in my fists while sobbing widely.

"Demi, come on. Pull yourself together you can't break down now. You're so strong, I need you, your fans need you, and most importantly your growing little family needs you." she says running her fingers lightly over my stomach. I smile as she wipes away my tears with the ball of her thumb.

"Excuse me, we have now docked." says the captain over the boats intercom

"Come on." says Marissa standing up and straightening out her shirt and reaching a hand out to me


Frankie connects our hands and squeezes them together tightly as I gently push the door open. There's a nurse by the bedside of a man I barely recognize.

"Hi, I'm Linda, Nicks nurse, and you must be?" she trails off indicating its our turn to introduce ourselves. I squeeze Frankie's hand to let him introduce us because I know if I open my mouth I'll turn into a mess of hysterics

"Uh, I'm his younger brother, Frankie, and this is his wife, Demi." he says all in one shaky breath

"Well, its nice to meet you. Nicks progressing very slowly, I think we should expect him in six to eight weeks. I'll leave you to it, press the red button to the left of the bed if you need any assistance." she says giving us a warm smile and exiting the room

I give a sigh of relief knowing that eight weeks is now the most that he could be asleep for. I gather myself enough to study the damage done to Nick. His right leg is held up in the air by a sling, and the left half of his face along with a nasty bruise.

"He barely looks like Nick." says Frankie drily staring at me from the corner of the room

I nod wipe a few stray tears from my face. I pull a chair right next to the bed and hold his left hand with my left hand and take a picture of just our wedding bands making sure you can't see anything else and post the picture to twitter with the caption "praying." before nestling into the left side of his torso and attempting to stop my sobbing by his calming scent.


The rest of our family comes in one by one to say bye to Nick or pray or do whatever they feel is needed before they go back to the US. Dallas and Rob come in together with their girls first and Lia, their four year old, runs over to me once she sees me.

"Hey baby." I say pulling her onto my lap and she lays her head in the crook of my neck and plays with the small cross necklace Dallas gave me for being five years clean.

"Is uncle Ni going to be ok?" she asks looking me in the eye

"Yeah, doll this is just a couple bumps and bruises." I say kissing her on the cheek and handing her off to rob as I motion to Dallas to follow me into the hall.

"With a baby on the way, a tour I have to reschedule, and Nick in this state I'm asking you to please get the house ready for us to move in to once we come back into the states. If Nicks hip is worse then I think, I don't want to have to worry about furniture and painting. So please I'm begging you to finish the house but leave one bedroom empty because I know Nick wanted to do the baby's room together." I plead hoping she can pull it off

"Of course, send me your budget and insurance along with the keys and I'll get right on it." she says

smiling and pulling me into a hug

"You're the best, I'll miss you bunches." I say as Rob walks over with Lia in one arm and Ellie in the other.

"Let's grab some lunch down stairs while we wait on everyone else to finish up. The we'll catch the flight." he says pulling Dallas into a hug and I can't help but get jealous that my husband isn't there to hold me

"Yeah, I need to get back to Nick I'll see you guys soon. Bye I love you all." I say hugging all four of them

and running off to nicks side


The rest of the family comes in and soon they're all gone. Nurse Linda comes in to check on Nick and tell me that visiting times are over and that I can come back in around six a.m. Frankie, who stayed with me all day, and I left soon after that and Marissa picked us up in a new rental car and drove us back to the hotel and we met with Kevin and Joe to go eat at a restaurant on the grounds of the hotel.



anyway comment what you think should happen because I like you guys😋

next update - 2.2k

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