Part 3

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"Hey...calm down, ok? You've been really brave, know that?"

"Why didn't they tell us before? Is there anything else, besides we being adopted? I mean, if it were only that, it is not that terrible..."

I took air, and for a moment, thought of telling her how and why had we been adopted. If I did, it would surely hurt her and make her feel guilty...and if I didn't, there was the risk she found out or heard something, and that would destroy the trust she had in me. So, it looked like there was only one option.

"Yeah...there is something else, I didn't tell you this morning. I am not sure if I am making a mistake by telling you, but on the other hand we have never had secrets, so I can't hide this. But...promise me to be calm, ok? It is not your fault at all..."

"You're worrying me, Andy.  What do you mean?"

"That's the last thing I'd want...well, it seems that after Hank's birth, our "mother" had some miscarriages due to delivery troubles, and doctors told her she couldn't have more children. But...she wanted to have a girl, and when they went to the orphanage, they sorta chose one."

"That's me, I guess...and you?"

"Well, this girl, had an elder brother, and when they were left in the orphanage, their mother asked them to be adopted together. Both of them, or none of them..."

"Are you...are you telling me they adopted you only as a way to have me? Is that it?"

I looked at her in silence, and she understood my unspoken answer. We stayed like that, in silence, for a while, and I feared having made a terrible mistake.

"How could they do that? Now I understand a lot of things...the only good thing of all this, is being certain we are actual siblings. When you first told me about the adoption, I thought we might not be...and it is such a great relief knowing we are! And you know, since we were kids, I felt I had much more in common with you than with Hank. I thought it was due to the age gap, but there was something stronger... I think I'm lucky, after all...our mother could have not set that condition, and ..."

"Don't think about that now. What's done, it's done."

We heard Jess and Allen coming out to the porch. Each one of them brought a tray with our lunch.

"This roast beef is too good to spoil it...and it gave me much work, so you'd better finish it. Besides, we have something to propose you." She looked at Allen, who went on.

"What do you think of a trip to Montana with your favourite aunt and uncle...even if they are not the real ones? If you want to get information from the orphanages, being with an adult can help."

"You want to come with us? Really?" I couldn't believe such a generous offer was done, and regretted deeply that Jess wasn't my actual aunt.

"We think we owe it to you, for not being brave enough to tell you the truth before..."

"It wasn't you who should feel guilty, but thanks anyway. And it sure would be great going with you in this trip."

"Right. We have to arrange some things, but probably could go out in two or three days. And now, let's be practical. What about your school? You'll skip classes...and your stuff, we have to plan a way to take them..." It was plain to see they were both enjoying the idea of that small adventure, and despite myself, I couldn't but smile.

"School is not a problem, we are about to have our spring holidays...and our things, if we hurry a bit, we can fetch them tomorrow morning. We do know when there is no one at...home."

"Ok...anyway, it would be fine to have someone to distract my sister, when she goes shopping...and I think I know who can do that."


"Right. She knows Marjorie, and she talks and talks. If we want to have time enough, we need her. I do appreciate her, but sometimes..."

"Golly, this looks like a spy movie...hope we are not discovered!"

"We won't. And if we are, let Jess and me to be blamed, ok?" Allen sounded suddenly serious.


"That doesn't admit any argument, guys. Ok?"

"Thanks. To both of you, really..."

"Nonsense...and now, let's plan our route to Montana. May, it's a pity you don't drive yet, but the three of us will manage..."

"Well...I actually do, though it is not legal... I had a good teacher..." 

"Wow! You taught her to drive, Andy?"

"Yep! And she drives really good...who knows, maybe I can find a job as a driving instructor, if things get worse."

"You have no patience to do that, big bro..."

"Why do you say so? I was very patient..."

"Because it was me, but..."

"Great! Remember me I won't teach you to drive again."

"I will, don't worry..."

It was great being as we always were, with our fictional fights...Jess and Allen found it hard in holding laughter...

"Well, here is a road map. If we go out early, we can stop for the night in Utah or Idaho, it depends on how we organize driving turns. And, by the way, if you want to bring someone...special, it is ok with us."

I smiled, but at the same time felt a bit unconfortable. They both knew Sue, but that was a familiar trip, and I prefered doing it with my only family and the ones I considered my aunt and uncle. I would have to explain her, anyway...

"No...thank you, Allen, but...not this time..."

He did not insist, but asked me later about my refusal...

"Why don't you ask her to come? She could be a support for you if...if things don't go well."

"You mean if we don't find my mother, or she just rejects us? I have thought of that, yes...and even then, I'd rather be with the only family I have...and you two, of course. You know, when I was a kid I dreamt you were our real parents...I only hope she doesn't get annoyed for staying here..."

"Well,this is not exactly a pleasant trip. Think about it, she will be your family some day. And...I've got the feeling that you will need her support."

"Why do you say that, Allen? Is there something else I don't know?"

"No, no...not at all. It's just a feeling, that's it..."

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