I once had wings...
Beautiful, majestic wings...
Once took me anywhere, helped me feel alive
Let me have a voice, a reason, a goal...
Now they're gone like a flower in fall...
Bright, full of life, and beautiful
With perfect structure...
Then fall comes, the flowers wither, turn bitter and brown...
The structure crumbling, beauty dying till nothing's left...
Like a forgotten memory, a ghost...
It was there a moment then suddenly disappeared...
Only a vague memory and reminder that it was there and now gone...
My wings are a flower; gone like a flame, so quickly blown out never to return again...
Wings were flowers so beautiful, full of life, ruffling in the wind...
But now they're gone clipped by the shadow that haunts me, never letting me go...
Once I had wings, but now I have none...
gone in the wind...
To take flight for another one...-Kirsten
Bitter Sweet Emotions
PoetryJust things I write well I'm not in a very good Place. I thought these aren't half bad. So why don't I share them with other people not only myself? So here we are I hope you like them. Also if some of them are Quotes or Poems you've seen before fee...