We are the children of the Stars. We are one in a billion of thousands of twinkling lights in the endless blank canvas we're littered in. We listen to the sorrows of the moon, the regrets of the solar eclipse, joys of the sun and fears of the nova. We gate keep all that is known, and all yet to be learned. The stars are the keeper of things long forgotten and passed. We have no one to hear our thoughts, the things we long for and things we never forgive ourselves for. we get no sympathy or listener. We can only listen ourselves. I'm a Starchild. I hear all and say none. I witness the lies and deceit of all and can do none. I am a star one in a billion. I'm forgotten by everyone who sees me. I'm nothing special just one in the same in the black sky that surrounds me. Only the inky blackness of the night knows of the stars sorrows, the stars regrets and fear, the stars joys and hopes. Nothing but empty void to fill the longing Starchildren always have and forever will have. For eternity and longer. We are Starchildren the ones forgotten in the limelight of the ones before us. With only the shallow edges of the universe to know of our true thoughts.

Bitter Sweet Emotions
PoetryJust things I write well I'm not in a very good Place. I thought these aren't half bad. So why don't I share them with other people not only myself? So here we are I hope you like them. Also if some of them are Quotes or Poems you've seen before fee...