"Why must you join the clutches of death also?"
"I won't let you suffer alone... not Just yet."
"I'm not ready to die...!"
"This wasn't how it was meant to be..."
"I regret never getting there on time..."
"I wish my selfishness hadn't kept me away..."
"I resent being so far gone, unable to help anyone..."
"Where did we go wrong...?"
"When were our actions are last ones?"
"What happened to our bond? Our Trust?"
"Why did we let each other slip through the cracks?"
"How did our dream turn into a nightmare so quickly...?"

Bitter Sweet Emotions
PoetryJust things I write well I'm not in a very good Place. I thought these aren't half bad. So why don't I share them with other people not only myself? So here we are I hope you like them. Also if some of them are Quotes or Poems you've seen before fee...