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She never knew it any other way

Wake up, go to school, work, homework, eat, sleep

It was always the same it's what she did

Wake up, go to school, work, homework, eat, sleep

No hiccups, no error, everything was perfect

Wake up, go to school, work, homework, eat, sleep

So when the truth was unearthed her world shattered

W a k e u p, g o t o s c h o o l, w o r k, h o m e w o r k, e a t, s l e e p

With it, she slowly broke on the inside

Wake up, go to school, work, homework, eat, sleep

Everyone knew her routine, her simple life, it was all they knew

Wake up, go to school, work, homework, eat, sleep

So when cracks showed slowly no one noticed

Wake up, go to school, work, homework, eat, sleep

She knew her way and played her role well it was after all second nature

Wake up, go to school, work, homework, eat less, no sleep

No signs slipped through her routine it was okay on the outside

Wake up, s-c-h-o-o-l, work, homework, eat less, no sleep

No one saw the changes no one but her she kept the facade up well

Stay awake, school, work, homework, eat less, no sleep

Her life crashed around her and no one saw because she allowed no one to see

Stay awake, school, work, homework, eat none, no sleep

She added secret steps to survive, that no one knew of

Stay awake, Pill, school, work, homework, Pill, eat none, no sleep

Slowly the secret steps grew more relevant in her routine

Pill, stay awake, Pill, school, Pill, work, Pill, eat none, no sleep, Pill

They consumed her when she thought of no meaning to her routine

Pill, stay awake, Pill, Pill, eat none, Pill, no sleep, Pill

They took the pain from her and eased her heart. No one saw through the cracks



No one saw until the very end when they patted down the softened earth where her young body now rested forever...


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