I'm a Novachild, I consume all. I draw in the good and bad of everything in existence. I'm alone in the universe. One of a kind in every way. The stars have each other, the sun and the moon pass every day. Then me alone eternally. Anything close gets devoured. I'm impulsive; if their is to many people around I'll implode; turn into a mass of angers and regrets. I'll take all the stars thoughts in and it'll overwhelm me. But I can't help it I'm sympathetic and will always listen if you need me too. Even if you yourself don't know it. I'll be given to much and it'll be my end, but I won't stop it it's against my nature to deny others. I'm a Novachild I'm the listener of the stars and the owner of their thoughts. And when they die all their lives will be forgotten to. But not me I'll never forget it's against my purpose to forget. I'm a Novachild I'm not perfect, not infinite, but oh so beautiful even in death. I'm a Novachild and one day even my artistry and existence will disappear like an explosion; so silent and minuscule in the grand expanse of this never ending universe.

Bitter Sweet Emotions
PoetryJust things I write well I'm not in a very good Place. I thought these aren't half bad. So why don't I share them with other people not only myself? So here we are I hope you like them. Also if some of them are Quotes or Poems you've seen before fee...