'This just got interesting'

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"Well Doctor, it truly has been a "pleasant" evening but I have some rather important business to attend to now before the departure."

She said in a stoic yet respectful manner with a fake mild smile.

"Of course, I understand. I'm glad we were able to work things out. I'm looking forward to working with the legendary Katastrophis. It truly is an honor, especially since your one of the subjects that was used on my formula for the genetic enhancements experiment- turning out to be a major success and still prospering by the way! I'm looking forward to see what we can accomplishment now even further."

He said genuinely with a full yet sinister smile; while getting up from the table they were sitting at as she did the same.

"Thank you for your time Katastrophis. I'll see you in a weeks. He said while putting his hands behind his back; then as a sign of respect, he bowed his head and left out the sliding door.

She just gave a quick nod of confirmation and watched him leave. She stood there for a second then left as well.

"The game of kill them with kindness has commenced." She thought to herself as she walked down the hall and placed her helmet back on. 


Despite his attempt to black mail her, she knew she had to join the project. Since she had to join she was going to play it smart, and by ticking off the doctor that was supposed to be performing experiments on her was not the way to go. So she put on the charm and he bought it.

She had to do this, not just because of her annoying consciousness of others but to find out what that substance was formulated from, why it had such a weird effect on her and what it was capable of.

One things for sure, this was going to be the death of her or come close to it. Now there was one other person she had to deal with tonight and she was not looking forward to it.

The only person she has ever come to fear in her entire life and had overpowered her in everything. Her Commander in chief and personal Mentor- RED.

He was assigned to her since she had turned 13. Due to the percentage of their personalities matching up almost perfectly being 97.6% actually, and for other reasons. But they still had their slight differences.

He did years and years of dirty work as a Marine and later- as an assassin for the CIA. Was a Paramilitary operations officer and former U.S. Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance which is a special forces officer. He is well known and respected among the force; and certainly feared.

Physically, he was intimidating, well fit, tall at 6" 1', dark skinned, short buzzed cut hair, with scars and burns in some places; especially on his hands and knuckles. He wasn't experimented on like she was but he was injected with the serum once as per his request, more like demand. He almost didn't survive it and ended up in the ICU for a few months afterwards. Unfortunately it didn't take any affect on him but it did give him a few minor enhancements in his strength and speed. The conclusion was that he was older in age and wasn't experimented on throughout his life at a young age like Katastrophis was since she was an infant, which is why the serum didn't work and almost ended him. 

Personality wise, he was burned out and pretty much dead on the inside; numb to everything. People say she had sparked some life back into him even though he tried to hide it. She knows he secretly struggles with the memories of his past, but when you've done and seen the things he has,  one can only imagine.

He's a fatherly figure in her eyes to a degree. Being the only person that knows her inside and out, can read her like a book, rise her up and tear her down in a single second, both physically and mentally. She respected him greatly and feared him also.

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