Chapter 4: Business

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Chapter 4: Business

Riley’s frustration started to hit acidic levels as she stared at the fifth outfit she’d tried on. Glaring at herself in the mirror, wearing a pencil skirt and a flowing white shirt, she decided she looked more like a legal secretary than a model. Tearing off the shirt and skirt she opted for a pair of jeans and a silky black top that flowed off her curves. She glanced at the shoes she’d backed in her suitcase. She’d brought heels but didn’t feel up to the nightmare of walking around in them. Instead, she grabbed her converse and decided that if Eminem didn’t like the way she dressed, he could get over it.

After slipping on the shoes, she grabbed the piece of paper that Mark had scribbled down the hotel and room number on. Having no clue what side of town the hotel was on, she grabbed her purse and ducked out of her own hotel room hail a cab.

The whole ride, she felt herself getting more and more nervous. Maybe she was in over her head? She’d never worked with anybody so famous before. And this was her first acting job. What if he didn’t like her? What if she couldn’t do the job properly? With someone of his status, if she did something wrong, he had the power to give her a terrible name and make sure she never got another job again. God, her reputation would be ruined…

“Are you okay, back there?”

Riley looked up as the taxi driver stared back at through the rear view mirror. “Yeah,” She mumbled.

“This is it, have a nice day,” He said. Riley thanked paid the driver before scooting out of the car and onto the bustling evening street. As her feet hit the concrete, and closed the cab door, she came face to face with a huge hotel, at least sixty stories high. A lot of lights were on, so it shone like a star in the night sky.

Nerves still racing through her body, she walked towards the hotel. As she walked through the revolving door, she was amazed by the incredible lobby. It had high ceilings and golden walls. Her footsteps were almost silent across the beautiful wooden floors, but what took her attention was the painted ceiling, looking like it was taken out of the renaissance period.

Jaw slacked, she did a full circle turn, just trying to take the place in. She should hardly be surprised. If she had as much money as he did, she’d want to stay in a place like this one too.  Pulling the piece of ripped paper out of her pocket, scrunching it in her palm, she checked the room number.

Her heart sparked as she directed her feet across the lobby towards the elevator. As it chimed open, she drew in a deep breath and checked the guide, matching up the room with the floor number. She was surprised to see it matched the second highest level.

Hitting the button, she rode the elevator up, almost feeling sick by the time she reached the near-top floor. She wasn’t sure if the nausea was because she was so nervous or the elevator going so fast. Palms sweaty, as the door opened, she stepped out onto the plush carpet. Walking down the hall, she was glad she chose not to wear heels because this carpet would have been a nightmare.

Glancing to her right as she walked down the hallway was in immaculate view over the LA city. She was amazed. The night lights twinkled everywhere, looking like thousands of starts. She couldn’t believe the sun had set so early. It was almost strange. As she approached the double doors at the end of the hall she drew in another breath. She just had to stay calm. He was just a person and it was her job to act as professional as possible.

Stopping right by the door, she reached up and tapped on the wooden door.

Marshall heard the faint knock from the bathroom. He stuck his head out of the doorway, still dripping wet from the shower. There was no way he could have spent almost an hour in there. There was another, undeniable knock, and he knew that he hadn’t just thought he heard it the first time.

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