Chapter 20: KIM

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Chapter 20: Kim

 It took them ages to dry off, but once they’d had a somewhat soggy picnic, they’d made it back home for well-deserved showers. Riley was just patting her hair dry as she made her way down the grand staircase and into the living room. Marshall was sitting on the sofa, practically dry already. He had his feet on the coffee table but as soon as they made eye contact, he jumped up and approached her, as if on a mission.

Without a word, he gently removed the towel from her grasp, and pulled at her waist, closing the gap between them and bringing them together from head to toe. She felt her heart suddenly race but she didn’t feel nervous, especially as she looked deeply into his eyes. In this light, they looked almost a hazel green instead of blue. She was amazed at how they changed.

A moment of silence afforded the opportunity for something to pass between them, a feeling of mutual desire, so strong it was almost tangible. Riley felt him trail his lips down her neck while encircling her waist with his hands, slipping underneath her shirt onto her bare skin. He lowered his mouth to kiss her ear, his hot breath tickling her.

“I wanted to do this so much earlier…” Marshall rumbled before capturing her mouth with his. Expertly his lips teased her before she realized what she was doing, Riley opened her mouth and his tongue slipped inside, gently stroking hers. Skillfully, his lips teased and caressed, stroking a fire within her. Involuntarily, she found herself responding, gripping his biceps as he moved his hands up and down her back, drawing her closer so they were touching from head to knee.

 It was almost like a fantasy, as she felt herself being picked up and placed gently on the sofa. Sprawled out across the sofa cushions, she had to smile as Marshall climbed on top of her. He kissed and caressed her nipping and stroking, stimulating nerve endings until her entire body hummed with awareness. Heat was building inside of her and she squirmed restlessly. Trailing his lips up to her neck and along her jaw to her mouth, he sucked on her lower lip before kissing her again.

She started to melt into the kiss but then heard the doorbell ring so loudly. They both stiffened as Marshall raised his head, frown on his face. It didn’t look like he was expecting anybody. He gently climbed off the sofa and stared at her, longingly, as if he didn’t want to leave her at all. Riley pulled down her shirt and sat upwards, encouraging him to answer the door.

“I’m sorry,” He muttered before rounding the corner towards the entry.

Curiously, Riley followed but hit behind the wall where Marshall couldn’t see.

He reached out and unlocked the oak doors before swinging it open, light flooding into the entry. His body was blocking the view but his next word told her everything she needed to know.


Marshall’s heart dropped from his chest and straight into his lungs as he opened the door and saw Kim standing there. She looked better than a few weeks ago. She didn’t look tired, the dark circles had disappeared from under her eyes and she looked like she’d been eating better. In fact… she looked so normal he could hardly believe it was her.

“Kim?” He blurted out, still holding onto the door.

Kim looked at her feet, momentarily before letting her eyes drift back up to him. “Hi… Marshall.”

He swallowed once. Twice. Fucking three times. “W-What are you doing here?” He looked backwards and saw Riley standing in the hall behind him, looking shocked. She backed away and disappeared very quickly, out of sight.

Kim tucked a loose blonde strand behind her ear and looked uncomfortable, even embarrassed. In was the same expression Riley had when someone complimented her. “I… Uhm… wanted to see how everyone was doing. Can I come in?”

Marshall blinked and made a prayer to god that this would all worked out as he held the door open and stepped aside. Kim stepped through the threshold and wandered down the hall towards the kitchen. Marshall shut the door and followed her to the breakfast bar. Kim sat down and he looked around but couldn’t see Riley anywhere. Which was probably for the best. He wasn’t ready to drop that whole bombshell on Kim just yet.

He sat down on the opposite stool. “What’s this all about?”

Kim shrugged, avoiding his eyes. “How are the girls?”

Marshall smiled a little, “Good. They miss you.”

“I miss them too,” She said, softly, staring at her lap. “I’m not quite ready to see them yet, though.”

“They’ve been making you ‘get-well’ cards.”

Kim smiled to herself, just thinking about it, “That’s sweet.” There was a pause. “How are you doing?”

It was his turn to shrug, not sure where this conversation was going. “Alright I guess.” More silence. “Kim, what’s the real reason why you’re-”

There was a huge crash that came from the entry. It sounded like something had shattered into pieces. And there was a gasp. Marshall’s eyes widened as Kim stood up, suddenly. “Is there someone here?”

He jumped up, “No… something probably just fell.” Kim didn’t even listen to him and had skirted out of the kitchen before he had a chance to physical stop her. “Kim wait!”

As they both skidded into the entry, they both saw Riley sitting on the ground, grasping her palm in her other hand, blood dripping everywhere. The vase that sat on the entry table was shattered on the floor. Riley had a horrified look on her face as she stared at them.

Kim’s face turned stone cold. It’s what she did every time something was very wrong. She backed away, towards the door. “I’m sorry. I must be… interrupting the both of you. I’ll just go­-”

“Kim, wait!” Marshall called out, following her.

Kim shook her head at him and left very abruptly, leaving him and Riley standing in the entryway in silence. 

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