Chapter 23: As the World Turns

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Chapter 23: As the World Turns

After over a week, Riley was finally starting to relax in Michigan. Alaina and Hailie both seemed to like her company and despite the whole situation with Kim, she and Marshall were getting along well. She’d even had a good relationship with Proof. He came over just about every other day. The three of them always got along apart from the occasional arguments while she dominated in every video game they played.

She was standing in the backyard, baseball bat in hand, the fall breeze rushing through her hair. The weather had been almost like summer over the last few weeks but the temperature was starting to drop again as the wind picked up. Autumn leaves swirled around the grass, around her feet. Marshall stood ten feet away from her, holding a soft baseball in his hands. Hailie was on third base and Alaina was standing centre field, wearing a glove too big for her hand.

Marshall pulled a smile as he looked back at Alaina, “You ready? If she gets this, they win.”

Alaina adjusted her baseball cap and returned his toothy grin, “She won’t.”

As he turned back, Riley prepared herself, bat slung over her shoulder. “Bring it on, Marshall. Hailie and I are going to win.”

Marshall drew back the ball and bowled it at her, faster and with way more force than she predicted. She swung quickly but missed, the ball flying straight past her head and bouncing against the wall of the house. Sighing, she retrieved it and threw it at Marshall.

He caught it and yelled back with a sly smile, “Strike.”

Planting her feet firmly, she pulled back the bat as Marshall bowled again. Now prepared for the fact that he wasn’t taking it easy on her, she swung at the perfect time. The sound of the smack from the ball hitting the back rang through the yard. The ball soared across the grass towards the trees by the fence. Alaina was so close to catching it but missed. It was too late anyway, as Hailie has already sprinted from third base, which was actually Marshall’s jacket to home base, which was a broken stick.

Cheering, Hailie jumped up and down and raced over to Riley, “We WON!” She was so excited. Despite losing, Alaina and Marshall still looked happy as they retrieved the ‘bases’. Riley looked up as she heard her phone start ringing. As they used it as first base, she only had to take a few strides to reach it.

She forgot to check the caller ID, “Hello?”

Mark’s voice was chirpy as ever as greeted her, “Morning my favorite model.”

She had to smile, “Hmmmm, sucking up… what job do you have?” Mark would always be more complimentary when he had a good job for her.

“It’s a good one,” Mark insisted. “Miami Shoot Magazine cover.”

Riley nearly fell over, “You got me the cover of MSM?” Riley’s mouth dropped and she put her hand over it. “That’s amazing.”

“Who’s the best manager in the world?” Mark asked.

She could hear the smile in his voice. “You are.”

“That’s right,” Mark said, enthusiastically. “So I’ve got you booked in for Monday, so you better be bright eyed and bushy tailed by 9am. Clear?”

Riley was simply beaming, “Okay. I’ll book some flights back to Miami ASAP.”

There was a pause before Mark slid in a suggestive comment, “Still in Michigan?”

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