Chapter 12: Criminal

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Chapter 12: Criminal

By the time Marshall left the dressing room he’d somewhat collected himself. He’d almost lost control when she kissed him. Every fiber in his being had been roaring for him to take things further. He still hadn’t decided if it was a good or bad thing that Kyron had walked in when he did. Doing much more before the music video shoot would definitely mess things up… but he’d also missed out. 

As he stepped on set, he had a huge sense of déjà vu as he spotted Riley talking with Kyron. He strolled up to them, catching them mid-conversation.

“Mark enlightened me on the fact that you’ve never been on live camera before, so I’ll make this nice and easy for you.” Kyron’s eyes drifted over to him, acknowledging him with a mere facial expression and nod. “Just act like the cameras aren’t there. Focus on your lines and acting and everything else will fall into place. We’ll give you lots of direction. You’re in good hands, I promise,” Kyron patted Marshall on the shoulder with a heavy hand.

Riley had that adorable redness in her cheeks, blushing away as she always did. Somehow Kyron’s statement seemed like he was hinting about their relationship, more than the actually shoot. “Thanks, I’ll do my best.”

Kyron nodded. “Alright, why don’t you go take a seat behind the counter while we set up for the first shot?” Riley nodded and clicked off in her business heels. Kyron led him to the door. They’d already filmed the scene for him arriving and getting out of the car and walking up to the door.

“Okay,” Kyron said, tone very ‘down-to-business’. “This will be pretty much a continuation of last week’s scenes, okay? You’re going to come through the door, walk straight to the counter, say your lines and once you grab the bag of money, you’re going to shoot her.”

“Right.” Marshall said, taking a casual stance against the ‘bank’ doors. Kyron pulled out what looked exactly like a gun. As he took a closer look, he realized it was a real gun. “Shit. Man.”

Kyron had a sly smile. “It’s not loaded, see.” He took off the safety and fired a round at the floor. The gun just clicked. We tried to get a fake one but I wanted it to look the part. And if you ruin it, I won’t be happy, because it’s mine.”

Marshall smirked, “Promise not to hurt your baby.”

Kyron nodded. “Now once you’ve shot her, just hold your stance and we’ll cut. Then we’ll fix Riley up with blood everywhere and make it look really gruesome and get a shot of her dead body while you’re running out. I’ve already told Riley all this so it should run smoothly.”

Marshall nodded. “Got it. Let’s do this.” He put the safety back on the fun and slipped it into the back of his tracksuit pants making sure the back of his jacket covered it. Kyron started calling out a whole bunch of technical stuff and told everyone to prepare of the first shot.

Marshall ducked outside the ‘bank’ through the glass doors they’d made and waited. If he looked up at the open warehouse ceiling, he could see lights and microphones everywhere.

“Alright! Action!” He heard Kyron’s voice from inside the ‘bank’.

He strolled into the bank, trying to act as casual as possible, as if he were actually a robber, trying not to draw attention towards himself. Whistling as he walked, like he did in the song, he approached the counter. The set had a few extras. There were people waiting in lines and other bankers bustling around.

Riley looked up from her presumed ‘work’ and gave the sexiest smile he’s ever seen.

He raised his chin at her, “How you doin’?”

She gave him a completely interested look, as if she really was a bank teller trying to get into bed with him. The expression on his face made him want to lean over the counter and kiss her like he did in his dressing room. “Hi, how can I help you?” Jesus… her voice was so sweet… it was like honey.

“Yeah I need to make a withdrawal.” He said, vaguely as he reached for the gun in the back of his pants.

“Okay…” Riley said, as if to be confused by his unclear statement.

He pointed the gun at her, but only just over the counter so the rest of the crowd and other employees couldn’t see. The whole robbery was inconspicuous until the end. He lifted a bag onto the counter and clicked the safety off the gun. “Put the fucking money in the bag, bitch and I won’t kill you.”

Riley pulled an absolutely terrified expression, probably realizing it was a real gun.  It was probably a good thing Kyron didn’t tell her. She reached for the bag and began shoving money into it, tearing up. “What, oh my god… please don’t kill me…”

Her eyes darted to other employees or customers as if she were mentally signaling them for help. He gave her a hard stare, “I’m not gonna kill you bitch, quit looking around…” It was hard to ignore the cameras to their right. There was three of them, all pointed at different spots.

She started begging, still in a hushed and frightened tone, “Don’t kill me, please don’t kill me…” Her hands started shaking.

He pulled an annoyed and angry expression. “I said I’m not going to fucking kill you! Hurry the fuck up!” She handed over the bag after placing in the last wad of fake cash. He grabbed it quickly, aimed the gun at her head and fired it. Of course, the gun only clicked, but the crowd suddenly all looked his way with horrified expressions, like there was a an actual gun fired.

“CUT!” Kyron yelled out.

He relaxed his arm and stared at Riley. Compared to when they’d last practiced, she’d improved. She’d even made herself cry and her hands shake. It was all so believable. “You were amazing.”


She blushed. “You too.”

Kyron yelled out again, this time directly at them. “Great work! Take five while we check out the shots.” While Kyron walked off with a bunch of the other crew to examine the footage. Marshall, jumped the counter and sat himself down on the free wheelie office chair beside Riley.

He felt comfortable on the music video set but Riley still looked nervous. Reaching out, he placed his hand on top of hers, giving it a light squeeze. Staring straight into her eyes, he said, “Relax. You were perfect.” She offered him a small smile, warmth lighting up her face. For once, she looked like she actually accepted his compliment instead of casting it aside.

“Marshall… could we talk about something?” She asked, softly.

He was about to reply when Paul Rosenberg stepped behind the counter, Marshall’s phone in his hand. “Em, phone call.”

He hesitated, looking at Riley’s disappointed face. “Can’t it wait?” He asked.

Paul had a grim look on his face, something Marshall had hardly seen before. Whatever this was about, it wasn’t good. “You need to take it.”

He stood up off the chair, mouthing a sorry to Riley and taking the phone off Paul. Hardly thinking the call could be that bad, he answered it there. “Hello?”

“Marshall, it’s me.” Kim’s voice sounded very distressed.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, fear flooding through his veins. He prayed like hell something hadn’t happened to Hailie or Alaina.


There was a pause and then a sniff, as if Kim had been crying. “I’m in trouble. Big trouble.” 

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