Chapter 19: Drips

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Chapter 19: Drips 

“You what?”

“I’m in Michigan… with Marshall.”

“Well shit.” Mark sounded surprised on the other end of the line. “When did all this happen?”

Riley had to smile, “Right under your nose.”

“So it would seem,” Mark returned, sounding miffed. He was throwing off the vibe that he was upset that she didn’t tell him. Riley looked down at her feet and shifted them in the grass. The air was warm outside and it was nice to be in the fresh air. The garden was nice with tall trees and kids play equipment absolutely everywhere.

“Mark, don’t be like that,” She said, softly.

“Oh no, I see how it is,” Mark bit, dramatically. “You just don’t care anymore. After all I’ve done for you-”

“For the love of god,” Riley muttered, rolling her eyes. Mark was so over the top, sometimes but she could hear him chuckling on the end of the phone. “Please tell me you didn’t call just to check up on me….”

Mark sighed, “Well, I haven’t heard from you left the airport. And the doorman said you’d left almost as soon as you arrived.”

“You called the doorman?” Riley exclaimed in disbelief.

Mark practically ignored her. “He said you looked terrified. Are you okay?”

Riley sighed, not particularly wanting to retell the whole Richard story. Just thinking about it got her heart going. “I’m fine.”

“You’re also a liar,” Mark added.

Riley swallowed, “Fine. Richard went insane and got really violent. When I told Marshall about it he invited me to Michigan to just… get away from him. You know, until I find a new apartment building.”

“Right,” Mark returned, disbelievingly. “Look Riley, I know these last few weeks have been tough on you-”

She removed her phone from her ear, holding it against her chest. Sighing, she felt peaceful out here in the summer breeze. It brought back such a sense of nostalgia or déjà vu. If she strained her memory, she knew that she’d been at a foster home here in Detroit, but she couldn’t remember any details. It was as if she’d shut that door and refused to let herself recall what had happened in that dark corner of her life.

Placing the phone back up to her ear, Mark was still running his mouth, “-but I’ll might take a look around for some apartments in Miami for you? Just make sure you recoup and take care of yourself.”

“Okay, dad,” Riley teased. She looked up at the sound of the back door opening. Marshall stood there, leaning against the doorframe, just staring. “I’ll call you soon.” Cutting the connection, she shoved her phone back into her pocket.

She felt that same pang of nostalgia hit her as she stared at him from across the yard. There was something about him that she just couldn’t put her finger on. It was like they’d known each other in another life: they had an unseen connection that had been instant. Feet skirting through the soft grass, she shoved her hands into her short pockets and wandered over to him.

He had a sly look on his face, “How’s daddy taking all of this?”

She had to smirk, “He’s worried, but that’s nothing unusual.”

Marshall nodded, standing up straight. “Paul’s always like that with me.” He stepped in closer, wrapping his arm around Riley’s waist. She tried not to react, but his very touch sent waves of warmth and comfort through her body. “I was thinking….” He said, staring deep into her eyes. “After I drop the girls of, we could go for a drive, find a nice quiet spot. It’d be nice to have some time to ourselves.”

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