Chapter 33: Loud Noises

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Chapter 33: Loud Noises

Riley had never experienced anything quite as chaotic as organizing her present for Marshall’s birthday. But it was all worth it. She’d spent hours wandering around the shopping mall and found nothing. She’d just been on her way out when she walked past a photography store. Displayed in the window as a huge canvas portrait of Santa Monica Pier, with the sun setting horizon, just beside the Ferris wheel. It took her breath away, so lifelike and stunning. It reminded her of her first date with Marshall, to the point where she could almost smell the salt water of the beach.

While it was the perfect gift the picture as too big for her to carry by herself, let alone fit in a taxi to get home. She’d had to get it delivered to Marshall’s address the next day. Which meant she had to get him out of the house to keep it a surprise. But somebody had to be home to sign for it. Not knowing what to do, she’d called Proof and begged for his help and together they divulged a plan.

Riley had managed to get Marshall out of the house and into his favorite restaurant for lunch. The establishment had been lovely to them, giving them an isolated table to keep away from the gawking public. While most of them didn’t say anything, the stares were unavoidable. She was beginning to understand how unnerving being famous was, even though she wasn’t the one they were all looking at.

When she and Marshall finished lunch, she’d received a text from Proof. He said he couldn’t believe how big it was and was going to need help to get it on the only blank wall in one of the living rooms. Unsure of what to do, he assured her it would be fine and he could get Kon Artis to help him but he needed more time. In a desperate attempt to keep him away from the house, she’d ended up taking him to see a movie which was one of the worst ideas she had. They’d ended up walking out of ‘Zoolander’ because it was goddamn awful and she felt horrible for ruining his birthday, although he’d insisted she didn’t.

When they’d arrived back at his house, Proof was nowhere to be seen and as the spare living room was hardly used, there wasn’t much of a chance of Marshall finding it early. Riley had sent him a huge ‘thank you and I owe you’ text and rushed back to her place to change for dinner.

As she walked up Marshall’s driveway, she could hear music playing from outside. Looking down at herself, she still felt inadequate as she approached the house. She was incredibly nervous about meeting his family. She didn’t have one of her own and was never sure how to act around them or what they were expecting. In her white V-neck shirt and her skinny jeans and skinny jeans, she wasn’t sure if she as too casual for a birthday dinner. But if it was anything like yesterday’s outfit catastrophe, she was overthinking it.

Swallowing, she opened the front door, noise hitting her like a brick wall. The music was pumping and she could hear many voices coming from the kitchen and dining area. Circling her way through, nerves increasing by the second, she ran her finger along the wall as she ducked around to where all the commotion was.

As she entered, she absorbed how many people were there. She’d been expecting not too many but was instantly surprised by the fact that there were ten people standing in the room. Everyone was piled around the kitchen and dining room, some sitting, some standing. Marshall spotted her as soon as she entered and stood from his seat and greeted her with a warm kiss.

Placing his hand on the small of her back, he instantly started introducing her to everyone.

“That’s Kuniva and Bizarre,” Marshall clarified, pointing at the two men cooking by the stove. Bizarre was wearing a crazy and colorful apron and lifted up the pair of tongs in his hands as he waved. Kuniva gave her a nod. “That’s Swift,” He pointed to the man cutting up vegetables on the kitchen island bench. Marshall’s finger moved to the man that was goofing around with Proof by the huge dining table. “That’s Kon Artis or Denaun, whatever you want,” He let out a soft laugh as they moved forwards.

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