Chapter 24: Sing for the Moment

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Chapter 24: Sing for the Moment

There was a lot of things that she learnt on the flight to Miami with Marshall. The first was how amazing first class was. She’d booked the tickets, not wanting to risk the publicity of coach. The place was so fancy, the seats stretched out and the flight attendants would bend over backwards to make you comfortable.

The second was that Marshall was a fidget. Every ten seconds he was shifting. If he wasn’t drumming his fingers on his knees, he was adjusting his legs, playing with the overhead lights or the window shade. It wasn’t until she handed him a pair of headphones and a piece of paper that he actually started scribbling down lyrics in tiny handwriting. She thought it was funny if nothing else. He had so much energy but as she watched him work, clutching the headphones and mouthing words, he looked so consumed in his work. It was a fiery passion she hadn’t seen in his eyes since they’d- she stopped and blushed just thinking about it.

She’d wanted to keep their relationship simple but she could only guess that sleeping with him didn’t really help. As much as she wanted to know, she didn’t want to be ‘one of those’ girls that was persistently asking where the relationship was going. There was no way in hell she wanted to come across as needy, especially when she was fully capable of taking care of herself. She still had to wonder how they’d made such a strong connection so fast. It’s like they’d known each other before, like a relationship rekindled. He reminded her of a distant memory that she just couldn’t quite put her finger on.

She looked up as she heard the chime of the ‘fasten seatbelts light and immediately did hers up. As she looked over at Marshall, she noticed that he hadn’t even seen the sign or heard the chime, he was so consumed in his work. She tapped him on the shoulder. He didn’t respond.

“Marshall,” She said, shaking him a big harder. He still didn’t even acknowledge her. The captain made the announcement that they were about to start landing. Riley leant over and snatched the paper out of his grip. He finally looked up. Surprisingly, he didn’t look annoyed. He removed the headphones.

“Sorry, what’s up?” He asked, clearing his throat.

She handed the paper back to him, “We’re landing.”

After landing, Riley began to wonder how on earth they were going to make it through the airport without causing a scene. Even though Marshall had a hoodie and sunglasses, she felt like it wasn’t going to be enough. As if it were fate, a flight assistant stooped by, looking as bright and annoyingly perky as ever.

She looked either completely desperate or patronizing, Riley couldn’t tell. “Considering your personal circumstances, we’ve set up a security escort for the both of you. You’ll be departing off the plane first in order to keep away from the crowd.” Marshall didn’t look surprised, almost as if he’d expected it. Riley just raised a brow and thanked the flight attendant. She lingered, like she wanted to say something else but left.

Riley had to hold back her laugh, “Does that always happen?”

Marshall just shrugged, “When I travel on public planes, yeah.” Riley kept her mouth shut, in disbelief that this was a ‘normal’ thing.

As promised, airport security came by the dozens and they were whisked out into a taxi before Riley could even blink. She felt her heart sink a little as she told the driver the address to her apartment building. She wasn’t planning on going back unless it was to pack and leave. She never thought she’d have to go back to her crammed one bedroom flat, across the hall from Dick. She made a silent prayer that he wouldn’t be home, and they could have some peace when they arrived.

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