Chapter 54: Be Careful What You Wish For

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Chapter 54: Be Careful What You Wish For

Three Weeks Later…

In a blink of an eye, ‘Mad March’ had arrived and Marshall was beginning to understand the true meaning of the statement. It was as if someone had stomped on the accelerator in his life and he was suddenly taking corners and making decisions and ninety miles an hour. He barely had time to breathe.

After reading the script of the film, he decided he liked where this was going, taking into account all of Paul’s ‘managerial talk’. They’d looked at getting Quinton Tarantino to direct but he was busy with Kill Bill and things with Danny Boyle hadn’t really worked out. He’d loved Curtis’ take on the film and they’d ended up changing a few things in the script to make it a rawer. He was glad he wasn’t some dumb bell boy now, but an industrial worker. Somehow it didn’t feel like much of an upgrade but he felt it suited the plot better.

Curtis was a great guy and was full of knowledge and was considerate of the fact that Marshall had never done anything like this before. He’d been apprehensive when he’d asked him to dye his hair back to brown but when he did, he realized how much it reminded him of his pre-famous days. Not to mention, Riley said she loved it, which made him feel a thousand times better.

Man, she’d been getting so much work lately. Now that she was signed to Marie Claire, she was flying all around the country for shoots and god knows what. The commercial ended up being fantastic, and she’d pulled it off, like he knew she could. She was really a brilliant actress. And after that, she’d been in high demand by hundreds of modelling agencies and magazines. He was happy to see her finally thriving in her environment, but in the last two weeks, he had hardly seen her. They couldn’t even squeeze in phone calls because she was either on a flight or he was in a meeting.

And Jesus, Kim was looking pregnant. She was seven months in now, and was struggling to take care of the kids. He guessed he wasn’t making it easier on her by pulling such long days, but he couldn’t help it. Not to mention it was her own damn fault for being pregnant, so his sympathy was minimal.

And hell, with filming just starting up, the long days were crazy. It was hard to wind down after a sixteen hour day, especially when you only had a tiny block to sleep in. And because he’d been working out so much to lose weight for the role, and the long days, his body was absolutely exhausted and he couldn’t understand why it was so damn hard to get to sleep. He’d been about ready to rip his hair out until someone gave him an Ambien and it knocked him out. He had the best sleep he’d had in years on that. He’d ended up with a prescription which was really helping him.

“Marshall- Marshall are you there?”

Proof’s voice echoed in his ears and he looked up from where he’d been staring at the floor, lost in his thoughts. They’d been having some kind of technical issue on set today and Paul had told him not to bother to coming in until the afternoon. He and Proof and headed down to the studio to try and make a start on the soundtrack but he’d ended up getting lost in his thoughts.

“Yeah,” He returned absently, picking up the notepad beside him as he leant against the sound desk. He flicked through the pages and didn’t have much coming at him with so much on his mind. Proof, the bastard, could read him like a book.

“What’s eating you?” He asked as he pushed himself back and forth in his office chair with his foot. Not in the mood for ‘show and tell’, Marshall just shrugged and continued staring at the page. Proof stopped swinging around on the chair. “What? It’s too personal to tell me now?” He teased.

Marshall lowered the pad, “I was just thinking about the fact that I haven’t spoken to Riley since last week.”

“Do you know where she is now?” Proof asked.

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