Chapter 41: Ass Like That

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Chapter 41: Ass Like That

Jacksonville, Florida

Riley couldn’t believe he’d even agreed. She’d forgiven him way back in New Orleans, sitting across from Paul, but she’d kept stringing it along. She knew if they were really going to make this work, having Marshall owe her big time wasn’t going to happen again so she wanted to make the most of it. She did feel a little guilty, despite having a damn good reason to mess with him. This way, she had a little bit of juicy payback too. And Marshall was obviously desperate enough to make it up to her that he’d agreed.

And with the last show on its way, everyone was in high spirits. It was like the first show: everyone was eager to get out there and make the most of the performance. They wouldn’t be back on tour for another two months. She was really going to miss the hectic, exhaustive and fun moments she’d had on tour. Despite all the ups and downs, she’d connected a lot more with Marshall and understood more about what he did and how famous he really was. It hadn’t really hit her until she saw the huge crowd, knowing all the words.

She was piled backstage in the familiar concrete hallways. No matter what stadium they went to, they all looked the same. Most of the members of D12, 50, Dre and Paul were all standing with her. Even Sky and Barbie and come along for the show. Proof was in Marshall’s dressing room, armed with a camcorder. They would hear him laughing from inside. Everyone had heard about the challenge and wanted to witness Marshall make a complete idiot of himself for her.

Riley called out down the hall, “C’mon, Marshall! How long does it take?”

Proof exited the dressing room, smiling like a fool as he trailed back down to the crowd and held the camera steady, filming straight back at Marshall’s door. It cracked open slightly and he ducked his head out and frowned when he saw how many people were there.

“You didn’t say anything about a public spectacle, Riley,” He insisted, sourly.

“Don’t be a baby!” Riley called out, already giggling. Everyone else was sniggering.

Marshall opened the door wide and stepped out, both hands cupping his manhood. Immediately, there were roars of laughter and his face went bright red but he was grinning slightly. Nobody was ever going to forget about this.

Riley held up his dressing robe for him and he spotted it. Picking up the pace down the hall, he almost looked like he was waddling rather than running. Proof was in tears, zooming in with the camera and panning around him. The lot of guys behind her were rowdy and laughing, with some mixed reactions. While some thought it was hilarious, others wanted to permanently remove the image from their minds.

When Marshall reached her, he looked longingly at the robe. He couldn’t reach out and grab it without fully exposing himself. With a teasing smile, Riley put it behind her back.

“Do a twirl,” She insisted.

He let out his breath, and sighed, doing the fastest ballerina twirl in the world. “Come on, please give me my robe. This is awful.”

Riley couldn’t stop laughing as she carefully draped the bathrobe around him. He released his hands and did up the knot quickly. Riley gave him a quick kiss before leaning over Proof’s shoulder, watching the playback. “I need a copy of this.”

Nobody is getting a copy of this,” Marshall clarified, firmly.

Dre was shaking his head in the background, ashamed with a smirk on his face. “I think you should burn it.”

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