Chapter 13: Forgiveness?

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Stormfly's POV

"Oh Toothless?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied, practicing on.

As of now, we are on the on a boulder trying to find our trainers that has been sunk from the ship we are on lately.

"Can you.. Uhmm.. Forgive me?" I asked again nervously.

"Forgive you in what Stormfly?" He asked like he didn't know such a thing.

"About what I did before, that .. I slapped you.. using poisonous spines, due to rejecting me."

"Oh that!, Not a problem, I forgive you." He replied.

"Really?" I quickly panicked happily.

"Yeah Stormfly, that's like 1 year ago." He said.

It's been minutes we are waiting but no sign of our riders so we kept calm on the boulder where we are, trying to be safe from Outcast Soldiers.

"What is that blue thing in the sky?" I asked muttering.

"Uhmm.. Maybe a kite?.. Or a Dragon!" He replied the same way.

We saw the riders with their Dragons flying in the Mid-Air. Fishlegs hopped to the boulder and flew with Toothless. Goodthing they have heard few of the talks by Mildew, Savage and Alvin.

"Where do we go Toothless? Lead the way on!" Fishlegs beg more so they can save Hiccup & Astrid.

* Few Hours ago . . . *

Fishlegs' POV

"Is this the place Toothless? Stormfly?" I asked to both of them.

Stormfly nods, looking on Toothless' eyes.

Then Stoick fired a loud scream from Thornado making few of the large boulder in the moutains to fall in the cages of each dragon inside.

"Let's go in guys!" I commanded as the riders and me flew inside.

"Guys! Hide you heads" Advised Snotlout.

"Why do we have to?" Asked by laughing twins.

Then we heard the hissing sound that holds Hiccup and Mildew with Fungus.

"Get down! It's Hiccup!" I said again.

"Only Hiccup? Wheres Astrid?" Snotlout asked worrying.

"I have no idea. She must be safe on" Tuffnut answered.

Toothless' POV

"Stormfly. When can we get married by unknown." I taught myself. :(

"Geez oh wheez Toothless!" Stormfly panicked.

"What is it?" I asked nicely.

"Look!" She asked me to look over the rocks standed by.

"Is th-that.."


Then she flew the way she saw where Astrid was.

"Raaah Rahhhhh!" Stormfly roared.

"Stormfly!" Astrid ran to her then hugged him.

"Astrid !!" The gang shouted happily.

"Guys! Hiccup has been captured.. AGAIN!" Astrid shouted.

/ A U T H O R 'S N O T E: I'm sorry for the short chapter guys, also for updating slow on. I hope you enjoy the story! Vote , Comment thanks!! /

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