Chapter 10: A Broken Happiness

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Stoick's POV

"Quickly! Everyone, go to the docks!" I shouted to everyone from Great Hall.

Then everyone runs to the Docks and packs their saddles from their dragons taken away before they flew away and fly to Holiday Island. When everyone is ready, we sailed across north and follow the Dragons to Holiday Island. Before we reached the lands which is few more kilometers away, the rocks on the middle waters are starting to fall one by one. 

When we reached Holiday Island, my people approached urgently.

"Spinefly!" The girl behind me shouted to her dragon Deadly Nadder.

"Fanghook!" Gustav shouted to his dragon while running towards it (Monstrous Nightmare)

And many of them went to their own dragons and cheered up.

"Dad!" Hiccup run in front of me then hugged me. I also hugged him by this time.

"Alright! Alright, everyone prepare your Dragons! We're going to celebrate Snoggletog at this Island?" I shouted with excitement.

Then we and our dragons designed the Island for our Snoggletog Celebration.

Hiccup's POV

"It was so perfect for everyone, but me. If Toothless was here, my holiday was fun, like.. them..." I thought my self. 

I was shocked at next moment when some mouth filled with saliva hitted my head with a strange metal hitting me. I faced back to see who it is and I am so happy when i saw who this was.

"Too-Toothless!" I shouted to him as I hugged him and a tear fell from my eye.

Toothless face was so unexplainable like a caring face when I hugged him and as everyone was happy for me.

"HAPPY SNOGGLE..TOG..!" Astrid shouted in the middle raising her hands open wide.

When the celebeation was finished, something went bad. The new-hatched dragons are frightened so their mothers and fathers went to them to protect them. After few minutes of the earthquake, the wild dragon appear who was making all the shaking of the ground. 

"Is th-that? The Screa-Screaming Death!" Fishlegs shouted with a scared sound.

Our dragons used all their might to fire to the dragon and shoo it away, but it seems protective. My dad ran to the other side of the island noticing that Thornado was there with Big , Bam and Boom. My dad now rode Thornado along with the trio and fire up with the other Thunderdrums to the Screaming Death but it has no things along. 

"Dad!" I shouted worriedly when my Dad was looking to me, as I pointed to something coming for him.

He would face it and saw a fire ball towards his direction.

"Quickly Thornado! Release a Sound........!" He said loudly making the fire ball return and hit the Screaming Death causing him/her for a damage.

I gave him some Plasma Blasts with Toothless, Stormfly and other Deadly Nadders shoot Poisonous Spines, the Gronckle are on it's head shooting lavas, The Hideous Zipplebacks covered the body with gases then fired from bottom and finally the Monstrous Nightmares fired at the Screaming Deaths body also. The wild dragon had pure damages  from the Vikings and the Dragons of themselves making it scream so loud like a high pitched voice (Helium Air) Then all dragons are being destructed on their flight due the the large Scream Shouts.

"Quickly Everyone! Land your dragons and shoot pure fire balls!" I commanded hurriedly

Then everyone shooted as I followed then me and my Dad have a little eye-to-eye contacy knowing what to do. When his dragon Thornado gave a loud scream with the other Thunderdums, Toothless gave a plasma ball making the shots combine and having a powerful shot. When the Screaming Death really can't have it, Alvin the Treacherous arrived to help us riding his own Whispering Death along with Gobber and his Boneknapper. 

"Say something to make him stop boy" Alvin shouted ordering his Whispering Death to talk to the Screaming Death and calm it down. 

Then Gobber and his Boneknapper , Bonefire (pronounced as Bon Fire) are guarding the back of the two dragons to mak sure it wouldn't escape.

As the two made peace, Alvin guided the Screaming Death with his dragon Spiralspine (came from name Spiral , the spiral fires of the Whispering Death and Spine relasing.) to the other Island.


Authors Note: Please note that some stories are mixed from original films and TV series. 

Thanks <3

- Patrick 

- HTTYDFanFics

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